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Healthy Church—Leaders’ Retreat

In April, our Pasadena congregation held a retreat for our leaders in the scenic Big Bear, CA area. We started the evening with a devotional about prayer. Next, individuals volunteered to pray for our country, our church leaders, the home office staff, and our congregation.

Saturday morning, I led a practice of very slowly unfolding the Lord’s Prayer. I invited everyone to meditate on the meaning of “Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Then everyone separated and found a place of solitude to experience silence and prayer. Later, we gathered again and those willing shared insights. There was gratitude, praise, and worship.

Next, we shared with one another the challenges we’re experiencing. It helped deepen our connection, and we learned how we can pray for one another. In late afternoon, we enjoyed the nature of God’s creation.

Sunday morning, we left early to be back in Pasadena for our Sunday worship. Everyone felt the retreat was a blessing. Hopefully, our next retreat will be longer so we can unfold the entire Lord’s Prayer.

Also, in April we hosted a neighborhood meal for seniors. All ages attended and helped with this luau themed party to honor our elders. We gave recognition to the eldest, who is 98 years old. And we recognized two couples who are celebrating their 48th and 50th wedding anniversaries.

I gave a short message to remind the seniors that whatever challenges we are facing, Jesus is present and will never leave us nor forsake us, quoting John 3. We also gave away raffle prizes and played various games where all participated just for fun.

This was a new event for us and most of the seniors who attended are not from our congregation. Please pray for us as we develop these new relationships.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

By Angie Tabin, Pastor
Pasadena, CA, US