GCI Update
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You’re Invited to Ghana

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The GCI Ghana 50th Anniversary Celebration and Conference is planned for August 18–26, 2024 in Accra.

We would like to encourage everyone who would like to visit Ghana to participate. A visit to the historic Cape Coast “Slave” Castle is part of the scheduled events.

Dr. Greg Williams, GCI President, and Pastor Gabriel Ojih will be joining us in the celebration. They and many other invited guests are expected in the country on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

The deadline for registration is July 15, 2024. Registration form is here.

We are looking forward to welcoming all interested participants to Ghana, West Africa.

May God bless you for your support.

Pastor Ing. Theo Nii Okai
Ghana National Ministry Leader


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