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Devotional—Attention to Healing

Pondering the wonderful time we had at the MTC launch in Bogotá, one refreshing reflection is this: Jesus empowers us to avoid leading from open emotional wounds. Just as the body needs time to heal from physical wounds, our hearts also need care and attention to heal from emotional wounds.

Leaders who empower and liberate others make every effort to not let their emotional wounds affect the guidance and support they give to their families and church members. Tending to our emotional wounds with the love of Christ is necessary for becoming a compassionate and assertive leader/servant in his mission.

Do you ever feel burdened by past emotional hurts, struggles, and traumas?

Maybe we all do. We are all broken in a certain way. But that brokenness is not our identity — Christ is.

Let’s be honest. The healing journey can be long, painful, and difficult. But when we give our suffering to Jesus, we find peace.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17-18

How am I tending to my wounds? How am I helping others tend to theirs? How can I lead and serve from a place of healing?

Jesus is the ultimate healer. He understands our pain and always offers us his unending love and peace. As we heal, we are empowered to guide others through their healing journeys.

Dear God, you know my pain and struggles. Please continue to heal my wounds. As I grow and heal, help me serve and lead others with compassion and love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

By Bibi Barrero, Worship Leader, and Juanca Barrero, Hope Avenue Champion
Bogotá, Capital District, Colombia


2 thoughts on “Devotional—Attention to Healing”

  1. Hola Bibi,
    An important insight. Thank you for sharing. Our prayers are with you and the entire Barrero clan. God willing, We look forward to seeing Ipe, Marcela and Little Nausicaa at Christmas. Would love some day, in a not too distant future, to also see you and Juanca.
    Every blessing,
    Santiago and Elke

    1. Dear Santiago! That sounds fantastic! Thank you for your kind words. We are always happy to hear from you! Maybe on Christmas Day, we can get in touch! Warm greetings to you, Elke and Santiago! … Juanca & Bibi🌿

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