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Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Derby, KS, US

Baby Moses in a basket

Last month, GC Derby hosted a two-day neighborhood camp with the theme, “I Wonder Adventures.” The campers’ adventures were related to different Bible stories. Ten children, first grade through fifth grade, attended, with a staff of 16 adults and three teenagers.

Activities included Jonah in the belly of a large blue tent staged as the whale. We had an escape room focused on Paul and Silas in prison. Campers stood up to a giant cardboard Goliath and made David’s shepherd flute. Moses as a newborn baby floating in the Nile provided our science project. Our final adventure was Noah and the flood, where the campers built an ark from boxes.


Campers also learned skits related to the five Bible adventures. They used craft time to create their props and masks. On the final evening, the campers, dressed in costumes, performed for all the parents and some grandparents.

The lions’ den
Daniel skit

Both days, we served a hot breakfast and lunch. Before the skits on the last day, we served dinner to the families.

This camp was a testament to the lead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God gave us the opportunity to participate with him in what he is already doing with these campers and their families.

Kirk Hayden, Pastor
Derby, KS, US




Bulacan, Luzon, Philippines

The GCI Plaridel congregation organized a Vacation Bible School (VBS) in June. Their theme was “Put on the Full Armor of God.” The three-day camp served 30 children from the community. You can view all their photos here.

Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines

The GCI Kiara congregation was excited to finally conduct youth camp again! This is the first year they have been able to enjoy camp since the COVID pandemic began. In June, 62 campers attended this three-day camp. To read more about this camp, visit their website.

Amazing race challenge
Improvised, rained-out campfire

Read what one camper had to say about the experience:

I formed unexpected friendships. I feel incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to deepen my connection with God. One of the highlights for me was the youth jam. This event brought young people together to revel in the presence of the Lord and sing praises. Another memorable activity was the Amazing Race, where our teamwork and effective communication helped us overcome various obstacles, resulting in us clinching second place. I also gained valuable insights from the pastors, with Pastor Rex’s sermons leaving a lasting impact on me. One of his powerful messages was about God’s active presence in our struggles, offering comfort, support, and guidance. I look forward to more camp experiences in the future.

By Danny Zachariah, Superintendent of Asia
Hyderabad, India