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Devotional—Stand Firm

As disciples living out the great commission given by Jesus, there will come a time when we need to be encouraged. Living life on this journey during “ordinary” time, we may find ourselves sometimes lost in the everyday life of this discipleship walk. Loving our neighbor can be difficult, especially if we allow our God-given differences to interfere.

More than ever, we need to remember: It is all about Jesus, period. Knowing that God is always working allows us to view our moments of participation with gratitude and humility. It is indeed an honor to take part in the work being done on earth.

However, we will find that there will be occasions of quiet and silence. We will begin to wonder, am I in the right place? Am I doing my part? Are you still using me, Lord? Let us take these times to remind ourselves not to fear the silence. In these times we need to stand firm in the faith.

The waiting and silence are part of the process. As disciples we need to be ready for the next thing. We are right where we should be as we put the Lord first in all things and do all in love. May it all be to his glory.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Lord, as we wait in the quiet times we will continue to trust you. Please work in and through us in all things. Lord, we thank you for having us pause, listen, and wait for the next direction. As we wait, help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to stand firm in the faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Tamar Gray, Pastor
Cleveland, OH, US

2 thoughts on “Devotional—Stand Firm”

  1. Thank you, Pastor Tamar. You and our pastor Leonard remind us in Abundant Grace Church, “It is all about Jesus, period!” I have a coffee mug with “It’s all about ME!” printed on it. Others object reminding me that “it’s all about them!” Thanks to Jesus’ Cross we aren’t those people anymore.

  2. Thank you, Tamar! It is good to be reminded that we are participating in our Father’s work as we serve our neighbors, brothers and sisters in the love of our Triune God!

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