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Devotional—Embrace His Missional Power

From the dawn of creation, the triune God has demonstrated a passionate mission for all humanity created in his image. God fully trusts and empowers us, his body, with this mission — let us truly embody that mission.

This redemption song of God echoes through the ages, centered on the perfected humanity of Jesus. We can embrace the beautiful verses of this eternal song in the first chapter of Ephesians — the blessings he has given his people to empower his mission.

Let’s sing his mission anthems and rhythms in communion and worship and live out his inclusive mission to all people in our lives and fellowships.

How can we live life together to exemplify the Trinity’s mission to all humanity, making the gospel relevant to our diverse communities?

Perhaps this is the missing ingredient to make Ordinary Time truly extraordinary. Therefore, let’s embrace Christ’s promises and power for the church and join his missional journey without fear or favor.

I pray that you will know that the blessings God has promised his holy people are rich and glorious. And you will know that God’s power is very great for us who believe. That power is the same as the great strength God used to raise Christ from death and put him at his right side in heaven.

God put everything under his power. And God made him the head over everything for the church. The church is Christ’s body. The church is filled with Christ, and Christ fills everything in every way. Ephesians 1:18b-20, 22-23 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

Lord, may your overwhelming love of redemption and mission motivate us through this time. We embrace the honor and urgency of our adoption as your cherished children. We are thankful we can live your mission in boldness to be co-heirs and coworkers in your redemptive and inclusive mission to all people. Amen.

John Newsom, Pastor
Queens, NY, US

One thought on “Devotional—Embrace His Missional Power”

  1. Thanks John for reminding us that we are all now connected together in the mission to spread the Word, while we live our ordinary lives, Jesus in us shares with us His Life both to Will and to do his Good Pleasure! We now Live For Him to be used as He Wills, Sharing the Love of God with one another we come in contact with each day!

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