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From Equipper—Healthy Church Elements

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The healthy church path we are on is lit by the light of the world, who is a lamp to our feet and path.

By Kalengule Kaoma, Superintendent, Africa

The August 2024 golden Jubilee celebrations in Grace Communion International (GCI) in Accra, Ghana, have lately occupied my mind. Fifty years of living and sharing the gospel in Ghana have helped us take note of traits of a healthy church. In addition, GCI – Africa has celebrated at least 200 collective years of participation in the gospel and reflecting aspects of Healthy Church. This article is a reflection on some elements of a healthy church I experience in GCI Africa. There is much variety and beauty throughout GCI Africa. I liken it to the amazing array of color seen when light goes through an optical prism.

Let me highlight some healthy church elements GCI Africa has been emphasizing.


The apostle John quoted Jesus referring to himself as the light of the world. In his Gospel, Matthew indicated that Jesus envisioned his plans to build a church. Both of these records of Jesus’ conversation with his disciples point to the mission he would do in the world through his body, the church. Like light going through a prism, Jesus’ disciples went in many different directions and reached many different groups in a variety of ways.

Jesus’ mission is an expression and act of love — love to redeem, save, and serve the lost. He invites people to himself. Those who respond are placed in the church, his body, so that they can go out and participate with him by reaching out to others.

In GCI Africa, we refer to missions as the Love Avenue. It is a place where Jesus meets people at their points of need. This is where the Holy Spirit washes, heals, and restores all kinds of people to a loving relationship with the Father. Mission fields are found in families, neighborhoods, workplaces, villages, wherever people are and wherever Jesus goes. In this ministry, Jesus promises to mend broken hearts. He turns situations, attitudes, and lives around. The hearts and minds of people are filled with joy even in the midst of trials and the hardships of life.

People who respond to the invitation of Jesus are added to the body (church) of Jesus Christ. These become coworkers with Jesus. They are charged to represent Jesus as ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

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