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Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Richardson, Texas, US

GC Richardson’s Neighborhood Camp hosted 22 campers, two teen helpers, and 25 adult volunteers for three days in June. With a medieval theme dubbed “Skills Faire,” we focused on becoming “more than conquerors through Christ” (Romans 8:37). Volunteers taught 16 skills including robotics, first aid, cooking, drawing, bicycle maintenance, sign language, soldering and electronics, flipbook animation, arm knitting, graphic design. Indoor and outdoor activities included ping pong, basketball, kites, water games, Hula-Hoop, and creative imagination station.

Our twice-daily spirit rallies focused on relational skills for conquering conflict, anxiety, and fear, and pursuing unity, peace, and trust. Devotional and fun, spirit rallies pointed to Jesus as the one through whom we are more than conquerors, the one who gives us victory as we face life’s challenges.

Campers and parents said they are looking forward to next year and hope for more camp days to be added. Skills camp provided opportunity for both learning and fun! We thank Father, Son and Spirit for the time, talents and resources God provided that made camp possible.

Christine Ojih, Camp Director
Richardson, TX, US





Big Sandy, Texas, US

Seventeen campers (9 teens and 8 mini-campers), along with 23 staff members, enjoyed three days of challenging fun at GC Big Sandy in June. Each day started with a yummy lunch and included an afternoon snack. Camp ended at 5 pm on Thursday and Friday. At the end of the camp activities on Saturday, we hosted a spaghetti dinner for the campers’ families. Forty-one were present for the delicious meal professionally served by the teen campers

Each day after lunch, I shared a short devotional corresponding to the camp theme of “The Great Adventure!” Also, the mini-campers had fun learning about the seven days of creation in Genesis. Activities included team challenges, crafts, and outdoor play, including water games.

Our Love Avenue team did a great job in planning this year’s neighborhood camp! God blessed us with many special opportunities to get to know one another and bless the young people and their families in our neighborhood.

Jerome Ellard, Pastor
Big Sandy, TX, US