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Healthy Church—Strategic Retreats

For information on preparing a strategic planning retreat for your ministry team, read this Equipper article.

Leaders’ Retreat Focused on Missions, Australia

During President Dr. Greg Williams’ visit in May, we had the joy of holding a Vision Pastors & young leaders’ retreat. The Superintendent for Latin America and National Coordinator for Church Multiplication, Heber Ticas, also joined us. This culminated in the Sunday worship service where Greg gave the sermon and an update on the church in the U.S.

Discussions at the retreat centered around missions. Topics included:

      • The Harmonious Flow
      • Understanding Mission
      • Outside the Walls
      • Healthy Church Multiplication and Church Planting

The sessions were interspersed with enjoyable activities and fellowship, along with delicious meals. Matt Sianidis led us in meaningful worship on his guitar. Having a retreat such as this provided a pleasant and relaxed environment conducive to getting to know one another and strengthening relationships. At the end of the day, everything is built around relationships, our loving relationships with God and with one another — the basis of all missions and all that we do.

Daphne Sidney, Superintendent of Australasia
Logan, Queensland, Australia




Hope Avenue Team, Hyderabad, India

A one-day Hope Avenue retreat was conducted for all the worship team members in the Hyderabad congregation. Our focus was “What does it mean to be a true worshipper and a disciple of Christ as a worship team member?”

As Jesus’ disciples in this ministry, we stressed how we are called to continually train, teach, and equip one another and the congregation as we lead from the front unto excellence for the Lord. Using Galatians 2:20 as a guide, we looked at these four areas of equipping.

F- Faithful to the Lord and our calling
A- Available to this cause
T- Teachable to learn and grow, to take correction where needed
E- Enthusiastic, passionately committed to this ministry

Practical tips and exercises were included, such as breathwork and pronunciation. We also emphasized the importance of being well-versed with the scriptures and living a prayer-filled life.
We had a breakout activity by our group: musicians, worship leaders, and back-up vocals. With the help of assigned verses, we answered the following questions and then presented our conclusions to the team.

        • Who we are?
        • Why are we on the worship team (our roles and responsibilities)?
        • What is our role on a weekly basis to the congregation?

The workshop produced enthusiasm, renewed harmony, and joy of serving the Lord. The presentations by the three groups were insightful and practical, as well as enriching in the Lord. We ended with a deliberate and purposeful extended time of prayer.

By Pastor Sachin Nirale, Shanti Nirale, Pastor Praveen Chinta, the GCI-India Editorial Team

Excerpted, with permission, from the GCI India Newsletter. You can request to be added to the subscription list of this quarterly newsletter by emailing office@gcind.org.