GCI Update
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Healthy Church—Leadership Retreat

Twenty-four GCI leaders from seven countries in Asia converged on the Kwanruen Resort in Korat province of south Thailand for a three-day retreat. (Korat is a four-hour drive from Bangkok, towards the border of Cambodia.) Amiyo Bacher from Bangladesh was the only one who could not join due to unrest in his country.

During an introductory session, several leaders brought updates of GCI activities in their regions. Following the Healthy Church theme, we discussed what it means to be healthy as a fellowship in four main sessions. Here are some interesting takeaways:

      • Jesus never criticizes the church for its size.
      • Most leaders are constantly negotiating between the Dominator and Protector model. (From the Support Challenge Matrix, a tool from GiANT Worldwide. For more information, see A Giant Step Forward.)
      • The priesthood of all believers is primarily inviting everyone to participate in ministry.
      • We are better together — this is the synergy of a denomination.

Facilitators included Rex Dela Peña, Aron Tolentino, Sachin Nirale, and Audie Santibanez. Retired leaders Wong Mein Kong and Eugene Guzon shared vital insights from their experience. In the wrap-up session, I proposed Eph 4:16 as one way to experience Healthy Church.

Activities included team-building activities for GCI Thailand, a fellowship night that enthralled the audience with worship, games, and embarrassment on the dance floor! Special moments included the ordination of Chan Thleng( a leader from Myanmar) and a farewell party for Eugene Guzon and Wong Mein Kong. Unforgettable moments included visiting three elegant coffee shops in three days! A memorable three days of “brethren dwelling together in unity.” (Psalm 133:1)

Danny Zachariah, Superintendent of Asia
Hyderabad, India




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