GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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Meet the Home Church US

We started the Home Church US to help members from local congregations that were closing transition to a place where they could continue to be connected to GCI. We do this through weekly sermon messages given by pastors and home office leaders.

There are members who do not live near a GCI congregation. The Home Church US is a way to meet their needs as they search for a congregation in the neighborhood where they can participate in person.

The video format allows members to view the weekly sermon as a group or individually, and at various times based on their schedules. The message is sent via email each Friday to those who have signed up to receive it. Sign up here!

The message follows the Revised Common Lectionary, as well as the GCI Worship Calendar. Each presenter starts by welcoming everyone and reminding them that communion will be taken at the end of the message.

Most people who receive the weekly sermon message also receive the bi-monthly newsletter, Update, and the monthly prayer guide. Both are great ways to stay connected to what is happening in the denomination around the world and a way to be in prayer for our members everywhere.

Showing their appreciation for this service, some members send cards of encouragement to the Home Office. Many tell us they are praying for us individually and as a denomination. Below are a few comments from those who have benefited from the Home Church US.

      • Every week that we play a GCI recorded sermon we are reminded that we really are very much a part of GCI and very blessed to have GCI resources available to us.
      • It is really good to have communion as part of the sermon.
      • It is a great re-fresher on the daily life and the connection we have with the body of Christ.
      • I enjoy the sermons; some are more impactful than others. But overall, they’re good.
      • It is nice to have some connection with GCI

On September 2, Lucy Enerio was given the role of Home Church US Coordinator. If you attended the Regional Gatherings this summer, you may have met Lucy. She led the worship sessions and assisted me with coordinating the gatherings. Lucy will be a blessing to the Home Church US.

Our prayer is that the Home Church US provides a relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit for those who do not have a local congregation (GCI or other denomination) to connect with.

Pam Morgan, Operations Coordinator
Charlotte, NC, US

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