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Healthy Church—Back-to-School

Melbourne, FL, US

Our children attended Ocean Breeze Elementary School, and I was a school aide and a crossing guard for six years. This is a school that is near and dear to my heart. When our congregation was choosing a way we could engage and serve the community, I thought immediately of this school. I know teachers there spend their own money for student school supplies.

I first approached Jennifer, the School Resource Officer, to find out the needs of the school. Now Officer Jennifer sends us a list, and we shop for the items. This is such fun and a joy to see the look on Officer Jennifer’s face when we show up with all the goodies. In this way, GC Melbourne has been partnering with the school for approximately four years. The teachers truly appreciate our congregation’s help.

Marianne holding thank-you card from school

Marianne Legg
Melbourne, FL, US





Kenockee, MI, US

In September, GC Kenockee celebrated the beginning of the school year and a new Children’s Church year. Pastor Jim Meade prayed a back-to-school blessing over the children. And Pastor David Borum commissioned and prayed for the new Children’s Church teachers and helpers.

During this special Sunday service, Kathy Forsyth was honored. She is retiring from the role of Children’s Church Coordinator after serving for many years. Kathy passed the baton to the new Coordinator, Angie Ashbrook. Pastor Grant Forsyth commissioned and prayed for Angie.

Thank you, Kathy, for your dedication and service!

Queens, NY, US

On September 7-8, GC Queens hosted a unique community event, departing from the traditional broad public outreaches. Instead, we took a more personal approach, limiting the invitation to families who participated in our previous back-to-school events. This event attracted hundreds in the past, but it was difficult to make a personal impact.

By narrowing the invitation list to those with whom we had already established relationships, the event had a more personalized and “community reunion” feel. This allowed for deeper conversations and more meaningful connections, which we believe left a lasting impact. Many family members who attended already knew us, and we also met new guests. Instead of just handing out backpacks, we used the time to pray with our guests, offering conversation and literature in Spanish. This impressed our Spanish-speaking families (a large part of our target community), making them feel equally valued and included.

In addition to meeting immediate needs with school supplies, we took the opportunity to discuss our various ministries, including our plans for a 2025 neighborhood camp. Parents learned about our Sunday School program for children, and many adults were able to connect with leaders from our Men’s and Women’s Ministries. These conversations helped strengthen existing relationships within the community, and they opened doors for further spiritual support.

We were blessed to hear and pray through individual stories from the neighborhood. We heard from fathers looking for a strong men’s ministry and their children’s career dreams. We prayed with families seeking reassurance in uncertainty, sharing their hopes for healing and community. We listened to and prayed with new immigrants looking for relief and a spiritual home.

The impact of our community outreach event was further demonstrated the next day as many guests joined our Sunday service, doubling our average attendance. Vicky Newsom gave a bilingual sermon, “Who is God’s Favorite?” from James 2. She explained that God’s favorite is all of us in Christ, so all are welcome at GC Queens! This increase in attendance and the whole service validated the event’s effectiveness and showed the community’s growing interest in our church and its activities. It was a hopeful sign for our future endeavors.

Our church’s commitment to spiritual and practical support was evident in the smaller but much more spiritually fruitful event. I would also like to recognize the work of our Avenue champions: Eleanor Toussaint, Hope Avenue champion; Ruth Phillips, Faith Avenue champion; and Vicky Newsom Love Avenue co-champion, along with elders, James Hills and Jonathan Browne. We are grateful for the reunions and the new contacts made, and we look forward to continuing to walk alongside these families, sharing the love of Christ in both spiritual and practical ways.

John Newsom, Pastor
Queens, NY, US


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