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Devotional—Who is this King?

When we talk about the kingdom of God, we, of course, understand that we are speaking of the kingdom Jesus established in His earthly ministry. His kingdom is real, and it will have no end. It is already here, and we may participate in it right here and now in this life.

So, who is this King of the kingdom of God in which we can participate now? In short, Jesus is the eternal Son of the Father who became flesh. He became in sum all that we are as humans. The union of God and humanity, in the Person of Jesus Christ, has forever accomplished the dream of the Father — to have us in union with Himself. Jesus is the One who has made this a reality.

In His becoming human, Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of heaven on earth with us as its citizens. The beloved disciple tells us that God is love. This is a statement about the character and nature of God. The King of our kingdom is, in His very being, pure and perfect love. Every thought, every act, every dream of God is born out of love. Even God’s anger is because of love.

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4:16b NRSVUE

The Father, Son, and Spirit will never oppose you but will always stand in resolute opposition to all that is within us that opposes God’s love for us. This is who our King is — our King is Love. Perhaps in your prayer journal, make a list of all that you think pure love does. Then make a list of all that pure love does not do. In your daily walk with Jesus, hear Him calling you to do the things on the first list.

Father, Son, and Spirit, tutor me in the ways of love. Amen

By Bill Win, Pastor
Mechanicsville, VA, US

3 thoughts on “Devotional—Who is this King?”

  1. Thank you for the lovely words, “Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of heaven on earth” and your suggestion to make lists made me realize God gave us those lists of what Love is and isn’t in 1Cor. 13. He is so Good.

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