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Healthy Church—Bogota MTC

More than eight years ago, I recall discussing our GCI development vision of Ministry Training Centers (MTCs) with our now president, Dr. Greg Williams. These were the early stages of vision development. It has taken a bit longer than I expected for the vision to take hold, but by God’s grace, it is becoming a reality. On Sunday, June 30, we launched our first MTC in Latin America.

Over the last five years, our pastors in Bogota, Colombia, Hector and Paulina Barrero, have been experiencing renewal. It is renewal in ways that are reflective of a healthy pastor that practices the 4 Es of healthy leadership (engage, equip, empower, encourage). With the lead of the Spirit, their healthy approach to ministry has created an environment where Healthy Church renewal has taken place. They have fully embraced our GCI ministry structure of Team Based — Pastor Led and have structured their church around the three healthy ministry Avenues of Faith, Hope, and Love. This has afforded the congregation a well-balanced approach to ministry that is bearing much fruit. There is a contagious enthusiasm in the congregation and the energy level is off the charts. Missional participation and disciple making with Jesus is becoming the defining DNA of the church.

By embracing Team Based — Pastor Led, lanes for emerging leadership have been facilitated. There is a core of younger individuals yearning for significant participation in ministry, and thus a need for leadership development has become evident. It is within this context of Healthy Church that an MTC is organically birthed. During this process of renewal, Pastors Paulina and Hector, along with key leaders, have received high support consulting from me, their superintendent. And they are now in a good position to intentionally recruit, equip, and send young people into ministry with Jesus.

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One thought on “Healthy Church—Bogota MTC”

  1. It is thrilling to hear about the launching of the first Latin American MTC in Bogota, Colombia. This is a concept and step that I had been thinking and praying about since November 2010. My hope back then, and today, is that we would also launch MTC facilities in Europe.
    Psalms 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

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