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Healthy Church—Succession Planning

Kathy & Grant Forsyth, David Borum, Rick Shallenberger

On May 5th, I had the blessing of installing David Borum as the associate pastor of our GCI congregation in Kenockee, Michigan. I wish I had the space to tell you all the Holy spirit interventions we experienced during this transition.

During some downtime at the 2023 Denominational Celebration, I was chatting with Tim Sitterley, US West regional director, and David. David shared his excitement about the growth some congregations were experiencing, and his desire to serve even more. When Tim asked if he’d ever consider moving, David said that as much as he loved the members in Seattle, he had determined that he would follow wherever the Lord led him. Eventually, I interjected, “Would you consider moving to Michigan?” I hadn’t planned to bring up the topic and was a bit surprised the words came out of my mouth. Tim and David also looked surprised, but David repeated that he was willing to follow where the Lord led. The next morning, I introduced him to Grant and Kathy Forsyth.

From that introduction, the three of them spent much of the rest of the conference together and quickly realized how much they had in common in their approach to ministry. They continued getting to know one another virtually, and David visited the congregation and fell in love with it. Several other Holy Spirit interventions took place throughout the discernment process, which culminated in his installation on the congregation’s annual Dedication Sunday.

Prior to coming to Kenockee, David was serving as the pastor of GC Northshore (Seattle, Washington). Originally, David was a part of GC River Road (Eugene, Oregon), where he completed his pastoral residency. David said he is looking forward to serving the congregation and being fully integrated into the community in hopes of being a blessing to all he meets. Read More

Healthy Church—Blessing of Mothers

As part of our Love Avenue rhythms at Comunion De Gracia Sun Valley, we celebrate and honor mothers in several ways. On the Saturday prior to Mother’s Day, our men’s ministry put together a gala dinner for the mothers of our congregation, along with some guest mothers. Church members were encouraged to invite their friends and family who are mothers. The only prerequisite is registering for the event. Sixty-seven mothers participated in the event including 13 first-time visitors. The men and the youth waited the tables to the delight of the participants.

In addition to the exquisite dinner provided, the mothers enjoyed fellowship, music, and multiple goodies that were raffled. Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the night was the professional photography. All the mothers were invited to partake in a free photo shoot that was donated by a church member.

The following day for our Sunday service, we prayed over and anointed all the mothers in attendance, including many first-time visitors and some of the mothers who attended the gala dinner the previous day. The whole weekend was dedicated to celebrating and blessing the mothers in our midst. Two weeks earlier we had celebrated our first of two Blessing of Children services for the year. It was so fitting that the mothers were now the ones who were being anointed, celebrated, and the recipients of much love.

These missionally minded events are a great way to express love to the mothers and create a space for the greater body to participate missionally and to join Jesus in his continued pursuit of all people.

Every Blessing,

By Heber Ticas, Pastor & Superintendent of Latin America


Healthy Church—Avenue Champions

Epeli Nakautoga, Eugene Panuve, and Jason Raki

The Suva congregation in Fiji reached a key milestone on their ongoing vision when the three Avenue champions were commissioned last fall. Epeli Nakautoga is serving as the Hope Avenue champion, Eugene Panuve as the Love Avenue champion, and Jason Raki as the Faith Avenue champion.

Together with Pastor Frank and Emily Boyd, I have observed Eugene, Jason, and Epeli and their ongoing maturing, clear leadership abilities, and willingness to serve. We felt their unique giftings and temperaments make them well suited for these roles. Happily, they readily agreed.

We commissioned them before the congregation, and I explained that they were selected because they had shown themselves faithful over time. Each had stepped up to serve whenever asked and had shown himself teachable and consistently enthusiastic about the congregation’s vision and plans. They have demonstrated both their leadership capacities and suitability for these new responsibilities. What a pleasure it was to commission them as Avenue champions, and what an encouragement to the church in this region.

Youth leader is another important role in the life and health of the Suva church. Tongli Panuve and Joana Wainibuli are youth leaders providing regular weekly studies for the youth. I am encouraged that the relationships amongst the group are strong, and I see their potential for greatly assisting our vision of Healthy Church in Suva.

I ask that you pray for all three Avenue champions. Pray for Frank and Emily Boyd, who will guide and encourage them. And please pray for me also that I provide appropriate training and resourcing in a timely fashion.

Dennis pictured with his wife, Sue

By Dennis Richards, Pastor and Regional Director, New Zealand
Palmerston North, New Zealand


Devotional—Ordinary Time

Just the fact that the word ordinary is a synonym for common is enough reason for me to love Ordinary Time. Because I feel common and often clumsy at kingdom living. Do you ever feel that way?

In truth, Ordinary Time gets its name from the word “ordinal,” which simply means counted time. In the English language, we use “ordinary” to mean typical, regular, habitual, which also feels appropriate for this season, doesn’t it? What habits or rhythms do you plan to begin in Ordinary Time?

During the other worship calendar seasons, we celebrate that the incarnate Son has come into the world. We rehearse that God is saving and reconciling us through Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension. We commemorate that Jesus gave us his Spirit, so we are never alone.

What now? What is a typical life, embodying this good news?

During Ordinary Time, let’s talk about “what now.” For the next 11 issues, our devotionals will reflect on participating with Jesus in his mission to build his church. Let’s reckon with the challenges of loving our neighbors and wrestle with the questions that don’t have easy solutions.

Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, “Where I am going, you cannot come.” I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:33-35 NRSVUE

Beautiful Savior, we don’t always know how to live this life. But as the vicarious Man, you know. Teach us to love. We’re so grateful that we never do it alone. May we trust our union with you in deeper and deeper ways. Amen.

By Elizabeth Mullins, Update Editor

Healthy Church—Leaders’ Retreat

In April, our Pasadena congregation held a retreat for our leaders in the scenic Big Bear, CA area. We started the evening with a devotional about prayer. Next, individuals volunteered to pray for our country, our church leaders, the home office staff, and our congregation.

Saturday morning, I led a practice of very slowly unfolding the Lord’s Prayer. I invited everyone to meditate on the meaning of “Our Father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Then everyone separated and found a place of solitude to experience silence and prayer. Later, we gathered again and those willing shared insights. There was gratitude, praise, and worship.

Next, we shared with one another the challenges we’re experiencing. It helped deepen our connection, and we learned how we can pray for one another. In late afternoon, we enjoyed the nature of God’s creation.

Sunday morning, we left early to be back in Pasadena for our Sunday worship. Everyone felt the retreat was a blessing. Hopefully, our next retreat will be longer so we can unfold the entire Lord’s Prayer.

Also, in April we hosted a neighborhood meal for seniors. All ages attended and helped with this luau themed party to honor our elders. We gave recognition to the eldest, who is 98 years old. And we recognized two couples who are celebrating their 48th and 50th wedding anniversaries.

I gave a short message to remind the seniors that whatever challenges we are facing, Jesus is present and will never leave us nor forsake us, quoting John 3. We also gave away raffle prizes and played various games where all participated just for fun.

This was a new event for us and most of the seniors who attended are not from our congregation. Please pray for us as we develop these new relationships.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

By Angie Tabin, Pastor
Pasadena, CA, US


Healthy Church—Baptisms

Wow! What an incredible “Baptism Sunday” GC Surrey Hills held in April. Periodically, we begin our worship experience with baptisms. Our April baptism ceremony included three child dedications. It was an unforgettable experience to surround these families with love, support, and prayer as they dedicated the lives of their precious kiddos to our amazing Jesus. Praise Jesus!

The celebrations didn’t end there. After the three dedications, we had four baptisms! We celebrated as Calvin, Chloe (our intern), and Lucas and Kacen (my husband and son) were baptized into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit. They made the choice to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

It was an absolute honor for Pastor Mike and me to participate in this celebration. It was beautiful and emotional, so there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.

Lucas Malmkar
Chloe Parker-Foister

We placed baptism cards on every seat for Baptism Sunday. It was a hit, and we had nine more people fill out a card expressing interest in baptism and two more baby dedications. Between those and others who have shown an interest through our regular connection cards, we have nearly 20 individuals interested in being dedicated or baptized this year! We have two more Baptism Sundays on our calendar this year, and we will just keep adding them as Jesus keeps building his church.

Since we launched our church plant/replant as Grace Communion Surrey Hills two years ago, we have baptized 25 people into the body of Christ and dedicated six children to our amazing God! Just look at what Jesus has done!

We are humbled, thankful, and in awe. We constantly find ourselves flabbergasted, saying, “We see you, Jesus!” We are excited to continue to participate with him in HIS ministry as he continues to build the church.

By Ceeja Malmkar, Assistant Pastor
Surrey Hills, OK, US

Devotional—Trinity Sunday

The disciples were grief-stricken when faced with the hard truth of Jesus’ imminent death. Jesus acknowledges their grief and reminds them he is not leaving them alone.

5 But now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your hearts. 7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:5-7 NRSVUE

This Trinity Sunday, we celebrate our union and relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit. In this passage, Jesus is comforting the disciples (and us) by explaining that even though he will be ascending to the Father, they will never be alone, thanks to the Holy Spirit who would continue to speak God’s comfort and provide them wise counsel.

The Holy Spirit enlarges our understanding of the triune God and helps us live out and participate in God’s love for the world. We can trust the kind and loving communication of the Holy Spirit to guide our efforts to share God’s grace with those we interact with, and we can follow the Spirit’s lead to help us discern how to express God’s love in the most appropriate ways.

Thank you, God, for including us in your love and union. Father, we’re grateful that you sent your Son. Jesus, we’re grateful for your obedience to the Father and for sending us your Spirit. Spirit, we’re grateful for your advocacy and counsel. We love you. Amen.

Adapted from a 2022 sermon resource.


Healthy Church—Connect Group Workshop

In March, more than 30 members from throughout New Zealand gathered for a three-day workshop on connect groups. We were delighted to have with us our Australasian Superintendent, Daphne Sidney, who kicked off the programme with a session focusing on GCI’s current re-visioning process.

On Saturday morning, we began with Rex Morgan exploring the “Why” of small group ministry. Next, Dennis Richards facilitated two sessions on the “How.”

Then we created the opportunity for participants to experience hands-on learning. Everyone participated in two separate model connect groups: one Bible study group and one special interest group, which we call a “connecting” group. The topics for the connecting, or special interest groups, were as follows: the Swedish pop music band, ABBA; books and movies; macro-photography and biodiversity; and ideas for taking the gospel to our neighbourhoods and communities.

Sunday morning, we held a debrief discussion of the model group experiences. We reviewed things that had worked well or otherwise. Many points were raised to keep in mind as we continue to work within our current connect groups and develop new groups in the future.

The weekend concluded with a moving Palm Sunday communion service, led by Daphne. The atmosphere was thoroughly permeated with the excited buzz of fellowship and networking of geographically scattered members that never fails to characterise these much appreciated get-togethers. God certainly answered our prayers by providing and inspiring a wonderful experience for us all, leaving us with a strong incentive to go out and develop Christ-centred, healthy, and fruitful small groups wherever the Spirit leads us.

By Rex Morgan, Pastor
Auckland, New Zealand

GCI Buzz—Discernment

This GCI Buzz explores the connection between discernment and wisdom. Discover how biblical discernment empowers clear judgment to discover the Spirit’s guiding presence and receive practical guidance for putting on the mind of Christ so that we join him in his ongoing ministry to humanity.

Click here or the image below to view the entire Buzz. #gcibuzz

Check out the printer-friendly PDF here.

Devotional—Spirit of Truth

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13 (NIV)

Jesus Christ, when he ascended to the Father, gave us a magnificent parting gift — the Holy Spirit. We celebrate this gift on Pentecost. After Pentecost, we turn our attention to Ordinary Time and to joining Christ’s mission in the world. In our missional practices and rhythms, the best companion to have, trust, and listen to is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit should be our best friend, helping us navigate our missional lives.

The missional field is dynamic, and we need to be guided by the Spirit. The Spirit is God and knows the mind of Christ; the Spirit also knows the minds of those we are being sent to! It is the Spirit’s ministry to convict the individual.

The Spirit of our Father speaks only what he hears and is the one directing us as we speak about God’s kingdom (Matthew 10:20). The Spirit will guide us into all truth. We can ask the Spirit: who should I talk to, and how and when should I say it?

May we have a listening ear and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings as we let the world know about Jesus and his kingdom.

We pray, oh Lord, that we will trust you enough to let you lead as we share your word with others. May we be like the sheep who know your voice and follow where you lead. May we never go astray. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

By Brenda Asare-Akoto
National Youth Leader, Ghana

Adapted from her September 2022 devotional.