GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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Regional Gatherings in 2024

Save the Date

Please join us for a weekend of training, appreciation, and worship. Everyone is invited.

See flyer below or visit our website here for more information.

Registration opens February 2024.

Registration Fee:
The Home Office will cover the registration fee for one pastor/facilitator per congregation and their spouse to attend a regional gathering. A coupon code will be sent with instructions on how to register in mid-February.

Each pastor/facilitator will need to book their own lodging for the gathering.

Hotel courtesy block links will be made available after registration opens. You may also consider booking other accommodations that work best for you (examples: hotel, Airbnb, VRBO, or accommodation with friends/relatives).

After the gathering, the Home Office will send a subsidy to your congregation via the send/draw to help offset the cost of one pastor/facilitator’s housing for the regional gathering. The amount will be set based on the average cost of the discounted hotel rate we were able to obtain for three nights.

Prayer Guide—January 2024

“The movement in our relationship to God is always from God to us. Always. We can’t, through our piety or goodness, move closer to God. God is always coming near to us.” ― Nadia Bolz-Weber

Join us as we pray for our congregations around the world.

To download the full January Prayer Guide and participate in corporate prayer, visit here.

Regional Gatherings in 2024

Save the Date

Please join us for a weekend of training, appreciation, and worship. Everyone is invited.

See flyer below or visit our website here for more information.

Registration opens February 2024.

Registration Fee:
The Home Office will cover the registration fee for one pastor/facilitator per congregation and their spouse to attend a regional gathering. A coupon code will be sent with instructions on how to register in mid-February.

Each pastor/facilitator will need to book their own lodging for the gathering.

Hotel courtesy block links will be made available after registration opens. You may also consider booking other accommodations that work best for you (examples: hotel, Airbnb, VRBO, or accommodation with friends/relatives).

After the gathering, the Home Office will send a subsidy to your congregation via the send/draw to help offset the cost of one pastor/facilitator’s housing for the regional gathering. The amount will be set based on the average cost of the discounted hotel rate we were able to obtain for three nights.

Grace Communion Seminary

Study with us at GCS!

Registration for the 2024 Spring Semester begins soon!
Academic Advising and Registration: January 3 – 11

Courses offered:
Old Testament Survey, Instructor: Jeannine Graham
Acts of the Apostles, Instructor: Dan Rogers
Foundations of Christian Ministry, Instructor: Lance McKinnon
Trinitarian Youth Ministry, Instructor: Jeff Broadnax
Polity of Grace Communion International, Instructor: Greg Williams
Jesus Christ, the Nature of Humans and Salvation, Instructor: Gary Deddo

New GCS Board Chair Appointed

From Randy Bloom, GCI Board Chair

Many of us ponder what we will do in retirement, whatever form it comes. One of the unexpected surprises for me as I was preparing to retire was the opportunity to chair the GCI and GCS boards. It has been an honor and joy to serve alongside the competent directors of each of these groups. I consider each of them dear friends as well as fellow servants in Christ. However, from the outset of my tenure, I felt it would be best for both organizations if each had its own chair. They would benefit from more focused leadership and having two chairs would give someone else an opportunity to serve and bring new perspectives to the board.

I shared my thoughts with Greg Williams, and he agreed with me. So, I began to think and pray about a new GCS board chair. My thoughts quickly focused on Eric Larison. I’ve known Eric for many years. He was an elder in the congregation I pastored in Syracuse, NY, and I recommended him to pastor the congregation when I was transferred to Memphis, TN. He has served as a pastor for more than 25 years. Eric and his wife, Susan, are loving, dedicated servants of Christ. In addition, Eric is a professional educator and administrator.

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From Equipper—Until Christ is Formed in You

Join us! During the weeks of Advent, we invite you to follow this spiritual practice from Equipper.

Enjoy and subscribe today!

My first pregnancy was not like Mary’s pregnancy with Jesus. There’s the obvious difference—while my husband and I experienced the pregnancy as a miracle, our child was not immaculately conceived. There are other differences as well. I was in my late 20s while Mary was a teenager. I was married, and though Mary was betrothed, she was not yet married. I deeply desired to be pregnant while Mary’s pregnancy was a surprise. I was surrounded by a village of loved ones who prayed alongside us for a child while Mary lived in a time when becoming pregnant in that context was met with societal doubt, judgment, and shaming. My experience was more like Hannah’s as recounted in 1 Samuel 1. We navigated the ache of infertility, longing and praying for a child who my husband and I were unsure would ever come to be.

What our stories have in common, however—what we all have in common—is the shared experience of Advent, a period of active waiting and anticipation. Though we wait, there is much happening in the waiting. It is a time filled with promise and possibility. We are being spiritually formed.

Spiritual formation is the journey through which we can develop deeper intimacy with and connection to God. I committed my life to Jesus more than 30 years ago, and for much of that time, my focus was on either doing things or avoiding doing things in hopes of keeping God from being upset with me. I didn’t really know what it meant to be with, loved, and formed by God.

Last year, however, after being introduced to spiritual formation by a close friend, I had the privilege of participating in the School of Formation alongside other Christ followers as we learned about and practiced contemplative rhythms, interior examination, racial justice and reconciliation, wholeness, and missional rhythms. Through that experience, I began to truly understand what it means to be in Christ.

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GCI Swag Store Is Closing Soon

Get your GCI gear while it lasts!

GCI clothing and accessories will only be available for purchase through October 31.

Represent our fellowship and reflect your personal style. Shop now, by clicking on the image below.

We chose the vendor for our on-demand store based on their high-quality and ethically sourced items, as well as their ability to ship internationally. However, please note that the shipping costs are per item. You can get detailed shipping information here.

GCI Swag Store Is Closing Soon

Get your GCI gear while it lasts!

GCI clothing and accessories will only be available for purchase through October 31.

Represent our fellowship and reflect your personal style. Shop now, by clicking on the image below.

We chose the vendor for our on-demand store based on their high-quality and ethically sourced items, as well as their ability to ship internationally. However, please note that the shipping costs are per item. You can get detailed shipping information here.

Pastor Appreciation Month

But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Hands holding cake with colorful rainbow letters spelling thank you

October is National Clergy Appreciation Month in the U.S. It’s a time set aside to recognize the contributions and service of pastors and all other clergy members. Within Clergy Appreciation Month is Pastor Appreciation Day on October 8. It is a special Sunday that congregations can dedicate to honoring their pastoral families for their sacrificial dedication.

It’s always a good day to show gratitude to our pastors or pastoral team members, but this date offers a specific space to let them know that we see their hard work and we appreciate their deep love toward the bride of Christ.

How will you say thank you this year?

All Saints’ Day Remembrance

The U.S. Southeast Region will host an All Saints’ Day Remembrance on Wednesday, November 1, 8-9 p.m. EST via Zoom, and you are invited. Linda Rex, SE Region Support Team Member, is coordinating the remembrance; please see her note below. Feel free to invite members from your congregation or fellowship group to participate. You can read more about GCI’s Worship Calendar here: GCI Worship Calendar

Zoom link for All Saints’ Day Remembrance: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82532935278

Yours in Christ,
Anthony Mullins

On November 1, 2023, the SE Region will be hosting a Zoom remembrance at 8 p.m. EST to observe All Saints’ Day. We would like this to be a time where we can reflect on the reality that we were created for life, not for death, and pause to remember for a moment with gratitude those who have died in the faith. I would love to have you participate by sending me a photo and short remembrance (100 words or less) of someone you would like to be included in this observance. Here is an example.

If you would like to share a remembrance, please email it by October 10. lrexnhgn@att.net

All God’s best to you,
Linda Rex
GCI SE Regional Support Team Member