Dennis Wheatcroft has a distinction few pastors can claim—he is in a hall of fame. “While running cross-country at Fort Hays University, our team won the national championship two years in a row (1968-69). Just a couple of years ago, we were invited back to the university and inducted into their hall of fame.”
Dennis, who pastors GCI churches in Murphy, North Carolina and Chattanooga, Tennessee, and his wife, Sidni, celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary this year. What many don’t realize is that Dennis and Sidni were born on the same day, month and year. “However, I am nearly 12 hours older, since I was born in Kansas at 6:30 a.m. and she was born in California at 4:00 p.m.”
Dennis and Sidni have three married sons: Brad (Valerie), Brett (Beth), Robert (Jeminah); and five grandchildren: Madeline (8), Ella (7), Isaac (2), Kaitlyn (2) and Andrew (4 months). “We are extremely blessed to have all of our children and their families living in Chattanooga.”
Family is Dennis’ passion. “I see family as one of the primary ways that God reveals his triune nature. With the attack on families and the dysfunction that has become the norm; we lose this important revelation of God.”
Dennis grew up in a small town in Kansas and graduated high school in 1968. “Then I attended Fort Hays University for two years before becoming involved with WCG and attending Ambassador College in Bricket Wood England from 1970-74.” After graduating, Dennis was hired as a ministerial trainee and sent to Alberta Canada. After serving as a trainee for a year and a half, Dennis was ordained and became a pastor. In between Alberta and where he is now serving, Dennis and Sidni served in Wheatland, Casper and Sheridan, Wyoming; Billings, Montana; and Glendora, California.”
Dennis, who was recently asked to serve as a district pastor, said that being a pastor is both rewarding and challenging. “What I have most enjoyed about being a pastor is undoubtedly all of the people that we have had the opportunity to serve with over the years. It is always a privilege to participate in the transformation that Jesus brings, through the Holy Spirit, in people’s lives.”
When asked about his most memorable moment as a pastor, Dennis tied it in with his passion for family. “I had the opportunity to perform the marriage of two of my three sons. Those were special opportunities.”
Dennis says the transformation of our denomination has been amazing and he has enjoyed where God is leading us. “As difficult as it has been, the journey has been well worth it. This gives all of us a unique perspective about God and his grace. I enjoy participating in all that Jesus continues to do in his body as a whole and especially in our little part.”
When asked when he feels closest to God, Dennis said, “More and more I am learning to see God’s presence in all of life. Consequently, I feel close to God not only in intimate times of prayer and study, but as I am living life. Especially time spent together as a family.”
Hi, What a treat to see you on the Up close and personal page. I have thought about you for years and wondered where you are and how you made the transition. So happy to see this report. I want to say this to Sidni that I remember her so well when she was quite young and thought her to be one of the most beautiful and the sweetest. I remember sitting with her out on the grass at a church picnic and we talked about growing up in the church—you mentioned that you felt confused when the control was too intense and legalistic. You mentioned that when you would put on a pretty dress and see yourself in the mirror and think you were pretty and your mom would warn you about vanity. The church was legalistic and so hard on kids. I had three of my own who had the total Imperial experience and it was damaging. Our kids taught us there was something vastly missing in our understanding. Of course that was Grace. The unconditional love of Jesus and the free gift of
Salvation. I did a lot of research on this and eventually apologized to my three and told them Jesus Christ is not how he was portrayed in those years. You may not remember our conversation in the Park but it impressed me and led me to rethink so many things. Sidni I hope you know now that you are acceptable to Jesus Christ who celebrates you in this journey you have been on. I thought you were beautiful long ago and I see from the picture that you are still lovely. So glad to hear about you. I wonder about Paul and Chris. I hope they are OK. Norman and I send our love to you and your family. Charlene and Norman.
Hi Dennis & Sidni – you two are still looking as young as ever! Thanks for sharing and for your focus on participating in both the divine family and your own growing family. I remember you easily winning all the cross-country races at Bricket Wood!
Congratulations on 38 years. We are about 4 years “ahead” of you in AC grad and marriage. You were pastor before I was, though, and I remember your years at Glendora when we saw you around a lot while we worked at Pasadena. Hope the District thing works out for you folks. Good to read your heart in the report and be reminded that a lot of familiar folks are still out there serving the Lord under His grace. Keep it up!