We are saddened to learn of the untimely death of Glenn Roberson. Many GCI members will remember Glen with great fondness from his years serving as “chef extraordinaire” and dear friend to young and old at SEP in Orr, Minnesota and at Ambassador College in both Big Sandy, Texas and Pasadena, California. Glen suffered a stroke on February 6 and died on February 10 surrounded by his family. A memorial service in Glenn’s honor will be held at GCI’s New Beginnings church building in Big Sandy on Saturday, February 23 at 10:30 am. The following tribute was written by Sonny Parsons, Glenn’s pastor.
Glenn was a beloved friend who lived here (East Texas) for many years. He worked for 25 years for Ambassador College in both Big Sandy, Texas and Pasadena, California. He also worked for 10 years for LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas; and the last several years for Good Shepherd Medical Center (GSMC) also in Longview. Glenn was at work at GSMC when he collapsed. His coworkers caught him and took him to the GSMC emergency room. He passed from this life to be with his Lord on Sunday, February 10.
Born in 1945, Glenn turned 67 last October. He was a special man, loved by all who knew him. The outpouring of love and concern from GSMC staff members alone was overwhelming. During his time in the hospital, many of his church family gathered to pray for him.

Jerome Ellard, a member of our congregation, summarized Glenn’s life:
I can truthfully say that I know no one who was a more loving, gentlemanly, humble, godly servant than Glenn Roberson. I am so thankful that he was our friend.
The impact that Glenn had on so many lives is summarized in a write-up on a business website concerning Glenn’s employment at LeTourneau University:
Glenn loves his job and it shows, both in the huge smile on his face that he is never without, and the friendly greeting he has for anyone he encounters in LeTourneau University’s dining hall. Roberson’s lifelong dream has been to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a cook. He began his culinary career at Ambassador College, where he worked for almost 20 years before coming to LeTourneau. He has worked as a cook in the B.A. Skipper Dining Hall for more than a decade. “The students are the best part of my job. I like to talk to them while they’re waiting in line. I’m a real people person,” Roberson said. But cooking remains a close second. Roberson was recently approached to make a student’s wedding cake, a project he joyfully accepted. This summer he will once again contribute several baked goods to the annual bake sale fund-raiser for summer mission trips. Last year, one of his cakes brought in $1,000 for the project. For those who know Roberson and his penchant for creating delectable treats, it was worth every penny.

Glenn is survived by his mother (in her mid 90s), brothers, a sister and many other relatives. He has family in New Mexico, Texas and Virginia. He has two dogs he called “his boys”—they will greatly miss Glenn.

Over the past few years, Glenn would come to the church building by 8:00 AM on Sunday morning to prepare special treats for the members to enjoy during a time of fellowship after services. In just the past couple of weeks he had prepared a special meal for our church’s large Wednesday evening Bible study and had sung special music in services.
Often Glenn would travel to our sister church in Texarkana to sing special music and take along treats that he had prepared. I would often joke with Glenn and tell him that people didn’t care if I was there or not–they wanted to know what Glenn had sent them.
Glenn’s smile and love were appreciated by all who were touched by his life. He truly “let his light shine,” proclaiming the gospel and his love for Christ by the way he lived.
Many tributes to Glenn have been appearing on Facebook. Here is one from GCI Kansas City member Julie Frantz:
Today we celebrate the beautiful life of our dear friend Glenn Roberson. He is face to face with his Lord. Thank you Lord for sharing him with us. He has always been a bright light in my life. Mr. Roberson, I look forward to having hot bread with you again.

He inspires people by his example of service and humility. Many of us who studied at Ambassador and went to SEP will always remember Glenn as a true saint.
I knew Glenn when he worked at Ambassador College Pasadena under Food Services Director, Carlton Green. He was the same Glenn I hear being discussed here; always pleasant, a great cook, and serving with passion. Even though I was just a lowly student, he always treated me with great respect. Thinking of him brings a smile. Willard High
It was my privilege and blessing to know Glenn over the years–both when we served together at SEP Orr and more recently through his ministry to and through the GCI congregation he attended in Big Sandy. Glenn was a very special, kind and gentle person—he gave new meaning to the word “gentleman.” I will miss him greatly.
Glenn and I worked together in the kitchen at Orr when I was at Ambassador. We had a great time cutting up in that kitchen. He was a rare and amazing person.
I was privileged to work with Glenn at AU the last two years it was open. Then i had the opportunity to work with him at SEP Orr for the next 5 years! I will never forget the advice he gave me as a novice managing a kitchen. He said “you watch Jesus will make you walk on water”! When the dorms or staff wanted special treats i would go to him and no matter how tired he was or no matter the request, he would make it happen. I cannot even remember a time he was grumpy or lost his cool. His smile would brighten the cloudiest of days. His singing was deep from his heart. We continued our friendship after SEP at New Beginnings and he would live when I called him “my brother from another mother” “Glenny poo” (which is what i called him when I needed something on the spur of the moment at SEP) he was “brown sugar” and i was “white sugar”. We loved to tease each other. I will miss this dear friend greatly. He would listen with such caring and compassion. And when he said he would pray for me, i knew it would happen. He always said he was married to Jesus. It truly showed in his love for Him and his servant beautiful attitude! His co-workers everywhere he worked had not a bad word ever to say about him. What a eulogy ! Can’t wait to see him again for now I rest knowing he is in the place he desired more than anything right in Jesus’ presence !!!!
Glenn was a special person who always seemed to look for ways to serve others.
A quick story: Glenn and I played a lot of racquetball games when we both were in Pasadena.
Glenn was an excellent player but I was slightly faster and won most of the games.
One day he took an over sized bottle of champagne and said
if you beat me it’s yours. I did and offered not to take the champagne but he insisted. THAT WAS GLENN’S TRADEMARK. TRUE TO HIS WORD! Looking forward to future games with him in heaven. I’m sure he will be the winner!
Will miss you Glenn. Curtis
Glenn Roberson was the most loving, kind and thoughtful person that I have ever known. What a blessing from God Almighty it was when I asked Glenn to be a member of our team at Big Sandy and at Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. Glenn lived with Judy and me for quite a time in Pasadena, where we got to know each other very well. Though Glenn went through many hard and trying times, we never, ever herd him complain. Glenn lived his faith, his live was a sermon that we shall never forget. God bless the woman who gave birth to Glenn Roberson.
-Carlton & Judy Green
In lieu of flowers at Glenn’s memorial service at New Beginnings in Big Sandy, we are offering people the opportunity to honor his legacy of service by contributing to a fund that will be used to provide camper scholarships in Glenn’s name for our 16 youth camps around the country. Checks can be made out to New Beginnings, with Glenn Roberson Fund in the memo line. Please mail them to New Beginnings Christian Fellowship, PO Box 866, Big Sandy, TX 75755. The funds will be collected over the next few weeks, and a single check will be sent to GCI headquarters. Thanks to everyone for all the love expressed for Glenn.
Good to know Glenn did the thing he enjoyed doing even to the very end. I thank God for his smiles and friendships he extended to the Ambassador College students. I remember him happily singing and dancing during worship services at SEP-Orr. Hope to see him again at the wedding banquet of Jesus and the church. I am sure he will be there and be asking how he can be of service.
Every morning Glenn’s big and warm smile welcomed me when I reached the kitchen where I worked as a Pasadena AC student. He constantly inspired love, humility and service. He was a great example to me of what it means to minister to others. He really did it always. I thank our dear Father for sharing Glenn’s life with us and I look forward to the time when all of us will be reunited in the presence of our Lord in glory.
I do not remember if I met him personally when I went to Pasadena for refreshing programs but I can’t forget someone who went to bed late and woke up early just to make sure everyone gets their hot breads and rolls on time. This type of foot-washing ministry impacts me particularly as I minister to those living in the third world. May the the gracious Lord take my hand and lead me Home in Glory where we’ll meet our faithful brother.
Thanks to all of you who posted comments. They have brought joy to my sad heart. It is very hard to see Glenn every Sunday serving us with food and song (he often did special music in our congregation) and within a matter of days leave us to be with the Lord This is a foretaste of glory divine, the fellowship of kindred minds. May the peace and joy of the lord overflow in us.
Glen was a true gem, a man so full of joy and love that it always overflowed to others. In my mind, Glenn was a master chef who understood both the art and science needed to warm hearts and feed souls. I am honored to have worked with Glenn (and many others) in Big Sandy and Pasadena for many years, and send my sincere and deepest condolences to his family and friends.
RIP dear Glenn, until we meet again… 🙂
I worked for Glenn 25 years ago at AC Pasadena. He had a true servant’s heart. I echo what other’s have said – he was a great cook/baker, did whatever was needed, loved to sing and had a smile that would warm a frosty day. I never heard a cross word from the man and learned much from his skills in the kitchen. Sad to hear of his passing, but beautiful to hear of his faithful heart to the end. He is still what he always was…inspiring.
Although it is a while since I last saw Glenn, his personality was such that I still have fond memories of the time I spent with him. He had many good qualities which I would like to display in my life.
Knowing Glenn was one of the highlights of my time at college. Good bless him.
I remember Glenn from my student days at Ambassador College, Pasadena. He was such a pleasant and genuine person, one of those people that made you feel like you knew them personally even if you really didn’t. Such a character will certainly be missed on earth. We should be more like him.
Glenn was a wonderful man who taught me to sing with dignity and forthrightness. I am still working on that one, Glenn if after all that the churches went through with essential primary doctrinal changes, if Glenn discovered the truth, repented and put all his trust in Christ then he is in the presence of Christ Himself right now, and yes, truly he has perfected the art of song.
No more suffering.
He will be loved and missed. I do hope to see him again!
Michael Gonzalez
Tyler TX
As a former AC Pasadena student I remember Glenn’s big contagious smile and hearty laughter. He was the type of unique person whose presence just made you feel better.
Our prayers are with the family and friends.
I moved from California to Texarkana 9 years ago, and soon after met The Ellards as they came as guest speakers in the Texarkana New Beginnings Congregation of GCI. They always brought Glenn with them minus one trip last year. He was like so many Christians I had known in my 43 years in the fellowship, a broad smile and a warming attitude of joy that exudes from the inside. He would come to the Sound Booth and present us with a smile, a handshake and then an accompaniment CD. I rarely see people sing with no concept of self, but he was one who just opened his heart to God, and lifting his chest and his eyes would just sing from his heart, “Our Father….who art in heaven….hallowed be thy name…Thy Kingdom come…” One time he came without his CD and told me someone had stolen it. (he indicated that who ever it was he must have needed it) But he wanted to sing acapelo, and he did. That time I cried. I can not tell you the joy that Glenn brought to our older congregation, by his gifts of “goodies” and song. He was hugged by men and women alike, sometimes more than once. Glenn brought Heaven when he came, just in case we needed encouranged. We all miss him, but our loss is Gods gain. I am sure he is in God’s kitchen,,,smiling and singing.
Hello my brothers and sisters! I am Glenn’s brother Mark and I just want to say that you all just validated my favorite scripture ” by this shall all men know that you are my deciples because you show love for one another. Thank you all very much.
My family send their love!
Mark, Pat, Marcus Patrick and Clint