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James Egbert

James in concert
James in concert

Many Weekly Update readers will recognize the Egbert name. Jeb and Barb Egbert have influenced many people of all ages through their leadership in GCI’s US camp system. Both served as directors of SEP—the former GCI camp in Orr, Minnesota. Jeb also served for several years as co-director of Generations Ministries.

You may know that Jeb and Barb have three children: John, James and Brittany. What you may not know of is the exceptional musical talent of their son James.

For several years James has served at GCI’s SEP Rockies camp as a counselor and worship leader. For his career, James chose to be a musician—and he has become an outstanding one! James frequently performs concerts around the country and recently performed in Tokyo.

The genre of James’ music is Electronic Dance Music (EDM). Just recently he learned that one of his songs, a remix of Emeli Sande’s “Next To Me,” was used during Apple’s much anticipated presentation at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco. To listen to that song, click here. If you would like to drop James a note of congratulations, you can connect on his Facebook.

James serves as a worship leader and worship band percussionist at GCI’s Ground Zero Church in Denver, Colorado. He’s produced remixes of several contemporary worship songs that you can download for free at https://soundcloud.com/spiriteyesmusic.

James (at left) at church
James (at left) providing music in a church service

One thought on “James Egbert”

  1. Wow are we proud of James (and John, and Brittany). He’s done an amazing job of grabbing a foothold in the music business, and keeping his core Christian values in an industry that is largely devoid of them.

    Tomorrow Barb, Brittany, and I fly to Sun Valley, Idaho to watch James play in the MASSV Music Festival in front of what some believe will be 10,000 people. Who knew that the little guy who played drums on stage with older brother and dad at Ambassador University in 1994 as a 6 year old would be traveling the world doing what he loves best almost 20 years later! May his story, and his growing relationship with his Savior, continue to unfold in surprising and remarkable ways!

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