“I enjoy the fact that in GCI I have found a home,” says Heber Ticas who serves as a district pastor and pastors two Spanish-speaking congregations in the Los Angeles, California area. “Coming out of the Church of God Seventh Day and still being able to be in community with some of the pastors that we have journeyed with for years is a blessing. GCI made that possible! I have felt welcomed, loved and encouraged to do the Lord’s work.”
Heber was born in El Salvador, Central America and came to the US when he was nine. “Since then I have lived in the L.A. area. I pretty much have been providing for myself since I was 14 when I started selling fine candies and chocolates door-to-door.”
Heber and his wife Xochilt have been married for almost 23 years. “We have three children. Our daughter Ashley is a senior at Azusa Pacific University, our daughter Jessica is a junior at USC and our son Christian will be a freshman in high school.”
Heber did not set out to be a pastor. “I was going to Kings College out of The Church on the Way pastored by Jack Hayford. I was there because I was passionate for God’s word. I did not desire to become a pastor. I just wanted to serve the local church. At the time I was attending a small church where I assisted the pastor. All of a sudden he decided to leave ministry because of burnout and disappointment. While waiting for another pastor, it became clear that no one was coming. Eventually I agreed to be the pastor of that church.”
Heber entered the pastorate in 1999. Xochilt worked right alongside him. “My wife is the engine that pushes ministry forward. She leads women’s ministry and is involved in many other ways in structuring developing ministries.”
In 2003, Heber and his congregation were part of the Spanish-speaking congregations that became part of WCG/GCI under the leadership of Lorenzo Arroyo. Heber credits Lorenzo for being a good mentor in ministry. Heber says his passion is “people, Hispanic ministry and church planting. My greatest joy in pastoring is participating with the Spirit in making a difference in peoples’ lives—seeing lives transformed and hearts encouraged. It is a joy to be used that way by our Lord.”
When asked about his most memorable moment, Heber said, “It’s the day that a dying man with AIDS trusted me with his burial wishes. He had been coming to our church and I did not even know that he was dying from AIDS. He trusted that I would lift up a prayer for him the day he died and spread his ashes at sea.”
When does Heber feel closest to God? “I feel closer to the Lord in the midst of need, especially when I am ministering to someone going through difficult life struggles.”
Great to see you in Orlando and share a meal with you and several other members. May God continue to bless the wonderful work you do.
Rick Shallenberger
May the Lord continue to bless you richly in his service. During the short times we’ve had at conferences I’ve appreciated your zeal and dedication.
Heber, it’s been a joy to hear of your devotion to ministry—whether with your local churches, as a district pastor, at a GenMin conference, going into Mexico or wherever God leads you. It was great to see you at the International Conference. Keep following the call, brother.
BTW: Now there are three “bergers” who have commented to you in this thread