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2 thoughts on “Report from US church planters”

  1. Why is there no report on the Colorado Church plant? This new congregation was presented to us at the regional conferences very prominently by CMM in 2012. But nothing is on this video about this particular plant. What is their report? Thanks.

    1. Thanks for thinking about GroundZero Brian. They are a fairly new GCI congregation in the Denver, Colorado area. The church-planting video we showed in Orlando did not include all of our recent GCI church plants in the US. Our crew only was able to get to a few of them in advance of the conference. Hopefully, more videos like this can be produced in the future.

      I’m happy to report that GroudZero is doing well. They recently moved in to a more permanent facility on the Southern edge of the Denver metro area. Also, Anthony Mullins (who leads Generations Ministries) was able to be with them for about a year (he recently moved back east) to assist in their continuing journey as a disciplemaking church. We’re excited about what lies ahead for them. Please keep them and the other church plants in your prayers.

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