Please pray for Cliff and Mary Snyder, leaders of the GCI Generations Ministries M25:40 Missions organization.
Cliff and Mary, who live in Colorado, have conducted several mission trips to Ethiopia over the past six years. Mary left this week on a trip to Ethiopia where she will minister at orphanages in partnership with various pastors and missionaries. She also will be connecting with the young people that M25:40 is helping obtain a college education.
Cliff and Mary hope to invite others to join them on a mission trip to Ethiopia next year. While on the current trip, Mary will be making arrangements. If you are interested in the 2014 Ethiopian mission trip, email Mary at msnyder72003@yahoo.com.
Mary and Cliff ask for your prayers concerning Mary’s current trip and preparations for the 2014 trip.
Mary and Cliff, thank God for you and your heart of outreach which expresses, in part, that God is no respecter of persons, as you encourage and lift up our brothers and sisters, in this troubled region of the world. May God bless your every effort.