Marty Davey, who pastors GCI congregations in Jacksonville, Florida and Woodbine, Georgia was born in North Carolina but spent much of his early years moving between Florida and Tennessee. “This was due to my mother having open-heart surgery several times, beginning when she was age 30. My parents had to depend on proximity to their parents since I was one of four kids and our mother was usually ill. She was one of the original patients of Dr. Michael DeBakey in Houston who pioneered open-heart surgery. His surgeries were successful and my mother lived to be 67. She died in 2004.”
Though Marty grew up in a Baptist family, he shared that “we did not often attend worship or practice our beliefs. After struggling through my high school life with troublesome behaviors and relationships, I left home in Tennessee at 17, moved in with my grandparents in Florida and there began turning to Jesus to straighten out my life. I started reading the Bible during my senior year in high school and started worshipping with WCG in Gainesville, Florida in January 1976. I was baptized in June 1976.”
Marty went to Ambassador College in 1977 and there met Australian native Yvonne Verwater. They graduated from Ambassador College in 1981 and were married in August that year. They just celebrated their 32nd anniversary. They have three children, Amanda (Rick) Larson, Michael and Michelle.
Hired upon graduating from AC, Marty and Yvonne began their ministry in Houston, Texas. Since that time they have served as assistant pastor or associate pastor in Charleston, West Virginia; Cincinnati, Ohio; Mount Poconos, Pennsylvania; Muncie and Richmond, Indiana (their first assignment as a senior pastor) and since 1995 in Jacksonville, Florida and Woodbine, Georgia.
“Sharing God’s love and Jesus’ beautiful teachings with others,” is Marty’s favorite part of being a pastor. His most memorable moments include, “baptizing my three children and coming to see Jesus more clearly in his New covenant.” What he loves most about being part of GCI is, “being around the sincerely committed members and ministers as, together, we live out our new life in Christ.”
Speaking of Yvonne, Marty says, “Yvonne has been and still is, the perfect pastor’s wife: always faithful, deeply caring about the parishioners and serving others with a wonderful spirit of teamwork and humility. She presently coordinates the preteen children’s Sunday school program in our Jacksonville church and is a great encourager and source of wisdom. While she is active and supportive in church ministry, she maintains her own identity, interests and relationships, which help her to have a balanced and healthy outlook on life and ministry.”
In his free time Marty loves to fish. “I like fishing for real fish almost as much as I like fishing for disciples, but I’m not very good at either—yet.”
When asked about a mentor, Marty said, “I have learned many good things from all six of the pastors under whom I’ve served. Probably the most helpful mentoring came from Hal Baird, the first pastor who trained me. He was one of the kindest, warmest and most caring pastors one could imagine. His approach showed me what true ministry looked like.”
Marty says he feels closest to God “when prayerfully reading his word, or when peacefully observing the beauty of nature around me.” Regarding his passion, Marty said, “I like everything good in life and hope to stay around as long as possible in reasonable shape. I really like being human, so far, though I am excited about the new model as well!”
HaHa! Great getting to know more about you and Yvonne, Marty! I especially loved and resonated with your statement that reads:
“I really like being human, so far, though I am excited about the new model as well!”
I hear so much of your humor and the Good News in that, and personally relate to the thought!
Continued Peace, Love and Blessings to you, your family and the congregations you serve!
Bro Timothy
Hey Marty, thanks for sharing a summary of your and Yvonne’s life. I appreciate your peace-filled and playful description of this life, and your anticipation of the life to come. It’s all good, eh?
Hi Marty and Yvonne!
Great to read your write up. Hope we can get to go fishing next time I get over your end of the world!
I will always remember your warmth and relaxed friendliness when I first arrived at Ambassador in Pasadena in 1980. It has clearly has remained and grown!