While attending confirmation classes for the Lutheran church, David Gilbert felt God impressing on his heart to become a pastor. “Shortly thereafter, I attended a campaign featuring David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade. At that meeting I went to the front of the auditorium and confessed Jesus as my Savior. After that, I began reading as much material on the Bible as I could get my hands on. That’s where literature of the Worldwide Church of God comes in.”
That impression on his heart proved to be a calling and Dave now pastors two GCI congregations: New Covenant Community Bible Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Grace Christian Fellowship in Kenilworth, New Jersey. He also serves as a district pastor for GCI in the New York City to Philadelphia corridor.
Dave grew up in western Pennsylvania where his dad was a general contractor, building homes and churches. “I first attended WCG in 1969 after having been interviewed for Ambassador College by longtime minister Jimmie Friddle.” David was accepted to AC and attended from 1969 to 1973. “After graduation, I returned to Pittsburgh, where I held a number of jobs, including route sales, insurance sales, construction and finally personnel manager for an electrical distributor.
I served in the Pittsburgh church as an elder and was called into full-time ministry in July 1984. We moved to Ohio, where I served as Assistant Pastor under Dave Fiedler in the Toledo-Findlay circuit. In 1988, we were given our first solo pastorate in the Waterloo-Mason City, Iowa circuit. We moved back to Pennsylvania in October 1994, serving in the Philadelphia church. In 1999, I graduated with a Masters in Ministry from Biblical Seminary. Shortly thereafter, I began pastoring the Lehigh Valley congregation in addition to Philadelphia. In 2012, Lehigh Valley closed and I took on Kenilworth, New Jersey in addition to Philadelphia.”
Dave and his wife Hinka have been married for 37 years. They have two sons, David, who is a high school principal near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Nathan, who is studying pre-med and medical technology at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. They have one three year old granddaughter, Esther, born to David and his wife Anna.
Of Hinka’s involvement in ministry, Dave says, “Hinka is the quintessential pastor’s wife and has always been actively involved in children’s ministry, women’s ministry and being an encouraging ear for members and pastors’ wives.”
Dave enjoys hunting, the outdoors, archery and firearms, but his passion is “to help mentor a new generation of leaders in my churches.”
When asked what he enjoys most about being a pastor, Dave said, “Studying and teaching the Word of God and loving the people God has entrusted to me.” About being part of GCI, Dave said, “GCI is the only denomination I know of that gives genuine hope for humanity (Trinitarian theology).”
Dave gives credit to Don Lawson who was “always affirming and helpful to me as my pastor in Pittsburgh” and to David Fiedler who Dave calls “a very balanced pastor.”
Dave’s best moments as a pastor and with God revolve around his family. His most memorable moment as a pastor was when he baptized his own children. And when asked when he feels closest to God, Dave said “I have a wonderful marriage and I feel closest to God when I’m close to Hinka.”
Great to read about your spiritual journey Dave – and recall times spent in PA! It seems so long ago. May God continue to guide and bless you and Hinka.
Karen and I are personally blessed to know and serve with you both.
Thank you for sharing your story. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and Hinka recently.
Great to hear from you Dave! You’re a man with a big heart and big sense of humor. I’ll always remember our many hours on member visits and your joke for every occasion!
With much love,