Dewey Peterson, pastor of GCI’s church in Crossville, Tennessee, tells his story:

I was born in Jamestown, New York in 1937, the second of six children. Both my mother and father enjoyed the rural life and when I was seven years old the family moved to a small farm just outside the small town of Busti, New York. As a youth, I helped with the farm work and each day milked (by hand) some of our dairy cows before going to school. I hunted, trapped and harvested crops for neighbors to make a bit of extra change. I graduated from Southwester Central High School in 1955.
My wife Georgia and I were married in Ithaca New York in 1958. We have four children: three sons, Scott, Michael and Joel; and one daughter, Jennifer; and seven grandchildren. Three of our children attended Ambassador College. Two sons have PhDs and our daughter and youngest son, both AC graduates, went on to earn MBAs.
My post-secondary school education was accomplished primarily at Cornell University in Ithaca: BS 1959, MS 1963, and PhD 1963. My focus was on the engineering aspects of food manufacturing with Dairy Science as my primary area of study with minor studies in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering. Upon receiving my PhD I accepted a position with the Kellogg Company in Battle Creek, Michigan in the Research Department. I advanced through a number of positions in both the US and Canada and finished my career in 1997 as Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Kellogg Canada Inc.
While living in Michigan we attended the Grand Rapids WCG church and later the Kalamazoo church where I was ordained a deacon before moving to Canada in 1973. My wife was first drawn to the church after listening to The World Tomorrow broadcast. As is often the case, I was not convinced. However, when Georgia demonstrated such solid faith, conviction and determination, I was reluctantly dragged along and after a period of study was baptized in 1968. Her example was a major milestone in our married life.
After working at Kellogg’s for ten enjoyable years in Battle Creek, I was transferred to Kellogg Canada to head up the Research and Development function. This was especially rewarding since that company had recently purchased Salada Foods. Resettling in Canada was a challenge, especially dealing with the Canadian immigration folks. Because of the high price of housing in metro Toronto we built a home in King City, Ontario, a small village about 20 miles north of Toronto. All our children graduated from King City High School. We lived in Canada for 23 years and attended the Toronto West church the entire time. While there I served as deacon, YOU advisor, director of one of two Spokesman Clubs. In 1987 I was ordained an elder by Neil Earle.
After my retirement in 1997, Georgia and I moved to Fairfield Glade, Tennessee where, at first, we attended the Cookeville, Tennessee church. Prior to our move to Tennessee we received a postcard from the matriarch of a long-standing Church family. Such a warm greeting made Georgia and me believe God inspired our move. While attending the Cookeville Church an opportunity presented itself to start a church in Crossville. After attending a ministerial orientation conference, I became the Crossville church pastor in January 2002. I am still serving as the volunteer pastor of that congregation, New Beginning Fellowship Church. It is interesting how one arrives at a given place in life.
We are a small church but I am ever impressed with the faithfulness and loyalty of our members. Both Georgia and I have learned to love and respect our Tennessee native church friends. Our congregation is much like many GCI churches, we are getting older and some are in failing health. Because of the distance some of our members travel to services we have organized to combine our Sunday worship service with a Bible study at our rented facility, which has turned out to be a blessing.
The strain of leadership in a small church is exemplified in our congregation. Some of our early leaders have had to stop participating. As a consequence, my wife and I have had to pick up the slack. Georgia and I conduct worship services, she on the piano and I lead songs. She also serves as our treasurer.
Aside from my church responsibilities, I am secretary/treasurer of the Cumberland County Ministerial Association. Georgia and I help Habitat for Humanity. I served the local chapter as its second president. In 2011, the Crossville mayor appointed me to the Board of Directors of the Crossville Housing Authority. Both Georgia and I enjoy gardening. Georgia cares for the flowers and I take care of the vegetables. We thoroughly enjoy Tennessee and do not miss the fast-paced life of Toronto.
Hey there Dewey and Georgia–good to hear from you–amazing how many successful people got started milking cows in upstate NY–and who knew Georgia could play the piano?–yes, Toronto does leave an impression, eh?
Neil and Susan
Although I have not yet had the privilege to personally meet Dewey and Georgia I am always impressed and humbled by the wonderful examples of our many faithful elders around the world serving Christ’s flock. They are indeed a source of inspiration as they continue making a positive difference for the Kingdom, reflecting the love of God.
Keep up the good fight.
In Christ,
Santiago Lange
Dear Dewey and Georgia,
I’m happy to see your names and picture in this weekly update. Thank you for sharing some of your life’s story. Thank you for your years of service. If you ever visit upstate NY and need a rest stop, or a meal, please consider our offer of hospitality.
Ken and Nancy
Hello Dewey and Georgia,
Delighted to see and read the article! You are a living example of what it means to be a dedicated and committed follower of Jesus Christ. Your life and accomplishments speak for themselves!
Trevor, DeHavilland and Daniel