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Los Angeles church launches

Tabin 3 bannerWe are happy to report the official launch of Grace Communion Fellowship on October 20. As we reported earlier, this church plant held three preview services in September and early October. Now they are meeting weekly as a new GCI congregation in the Eagle Rock area of Los Angeles, California.

About 95 people attended the first service. Of those, about 25 were visitors from neighboring GCI churches, helping out with this service. Thus church planters Angie and Saddie Tabin had about 70 new people attend who had been “gathered” through outreach to the surrounding community over the last 16 months. Although the Tabins primary focus has been reaching the Filipino community, there were quite a few Caucasian and African-Americans in attendance. It looks like God is planting a new multi-ethnic church!


TabinsPlease pray for this new church. Here are four prayer requests:

  1. For Angie and Saddie as they invite and train some of the new people to take on some of the responsibilities that members from other GCI churches have been temporarily filling.
  2. For people to be open to gathering in small groups so they can be taught how to be disciples of Jesus.
  3. That people will continue to attend. A typical church plant loses about 50% of those who first begin attending. Pray this will not be the case with Grace Communion Fellowship. Pray that they will not only stay but also invite friends and family so that the church will grow.
  4. That our new members will begin carrying the financial load of the rent, advertising, etc. Having sufficient funds to pay the pastors of the new church would be a huge blessing.


2 thoughts on “Los Angeles church launches”

  1. Dear Family Tabin,
    We rejoice!
    wonderfull to read this development. we will stand by you in prayer
    Mag God bless you all.
    Greetings in theLord,
    Frans Danenberg
    NML netherlands

  2. We thank the Lord of the Harvest, our great God the Father for this new church plant. Thank you Angie and Sadie… and Herbert and Hazel… for your commitment in following the in footsteps of our Lord Jesus as He continues expanding His Church all over the world. You are an inspiration to us all. May you continue to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. (Acts. 1:8)

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