Since our last update on GCI pastor Arnold Clauson, he has continued to battle cancer. Below is an update on his condition from his wife Trish. Please continue to pray for them both and for their daughters.
Arnold had a PET scan on March 15, which showed that he continues to have cancer in his bones. However, the cancer has not spread to any vital organs. Apparently this is very unusual. A primary concern at this point relates to the tumors growing in Arnold’s skull. These are pressing against his brain enough to reduce Arnold’s speech to one word answers. It has been advised that he have an MRI leading possibly to radiation to shrink the tumors, not only to release the pressure but to avoid any life-threatening neurological interference. This will all likely take several days while he continues with dialysis.
Though Arnold cannot speak or move, he is alert and aware of his surroundings. My constant prayer is that God show him great mercy. Knowing that he is imprisoned by his body and mind is extremely hard for me to witness. Thankfully, he is not in constant pain and is handling whatever mental, emotional and physical pain he may be feeling with much grace and faith. This is quite remarkable to me.
Thanks again for all the prayers, support and cards of love. They help more than you know.
Cards may be sent to:
Arnold and Trish Clauson109 Melrose Circle
Denison, TX 75020-2697
Arnold, keep up the fight, our God is bigger than any trial we may face. I pray for you daily, as I’m sure many others are doing the same. Trish, We pray for you too. It has to be very difficult for you. We love you both.
Dear Arnold and Trish,
The only thoughts that come to mind at this moment are the words of Psalm 23. May the Great Shepherd’s love, compassion, mercy, grace, and healing touch be poured out on you at this difficult time. With our love, Ray and Carol Meyer
Pain and suffering can at times be so overwhelming. But, do know this, God is with you every step of the way. His love will never fail.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God…”.
Romans 8:38-39
Converge was not the same without you there. Mom and I will continue to keep you both in our prayers.
Todd And Iretha Woods
Dear friends, Sue and I often remember you both in our daily thoughts and prayers. While my main emotion when I hear your news is that of sadness, I also find myself being invigorated and inspired, hearing you tell about both of your responses to all that is happening. Thank you for sharing your story (God’s story) through updates. We will continue to trust in God, knowing He is active in all that is going on with you.
Dear friends, Nancy and I ask God to give you strength and courage sufficient for the day. As others have shared, it is also comforting to us to know you are in our Father’s care.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you during this difficult time.
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Dear ones, our prayers are storming the throne of heaven for continued grace and mercy into your lives at this time. May God continue to comfort you in a mighty way as you continue this difficult journey. May His love surround you and his compassion cover you. Love and prayers are with you from many who know and love you and from many who know the power of prayer. We are told to pray for one another and we will continue for you.