Roger Abels, senior pastor of GCI’s congregation in Fort Wayne, Indiana, grew up in the village of Papillion about 20 miles southwest of Omaha, Nebraska. “I had always taken religion seriously” Roger shared. He enrolled in Midland Lutheran College with the anticipation of entering ministry. “After two years of college, it became clear that the Lutheran synod I had grown up in was becoming increasingly liberal. It was at this time that I began listening to The World Tomorrow broadcast and was immediately impressed that this was a denomination that took both the Scriptures and Christian living seriously.”
Roger left that college and transferred to Ambassador College in 1969. “For the next 45 years I have been blessed to do what I have always loved doing—teaching the word of God.”
Before becoming interested in pastoral ministry, Roger had another interest. “I grew up with a passion for playing baseball. It was the magnet that drew our family closer. I had been scouted by several major league teams, but lost interest after deciding to become a pastor while in college.”
Roger found out that desiring to be a pastor in the Lutheran college, and desiring to be a pastor in Ambassador College were two different things. “I transferred to Ambassador College at a time when ‘wanting to be a minister’ was almost a disqualification. Fortunately I kept a low profile and became a pastor after graduating from Ambassador College in 1972. I first pastored in Philadelphia, then Chicago and Louisville, Kentucky. I have pastored in Fort Wayne for the past 24 years.” Roger recently announced that he will be retiring from employed pastoral ministry this coming June.
While in college, Roger met Donna Lynn May. They have now been married for 42 years. “I would summarize by saying that I definitely got the better end of the deal! For most of our married life Donna devoted herself to staying home with the children. She began painting portraits, landscapes and still-lifes while we lived in Kentucky, and many of her paintings are in various hospitals and courtrooms in Louisville.”
Roger and Donna have three children, Jessica (married to Travis McClure), Courtney (married to Mark Harmon) and Travis (single). “Both daughters are in education and our son edits and produces movie trailers in Los Angeles and New York. We also have five young grandchildren: Ella, Oliver, Owen, Josie and Charlotte.
Roger shares what he enjoys most about being a pastor: “Over the years I have seen Christians struggle in their personal relationship with God—legalism, guilt, the ‘health and wealth’ gospel, etc. My greatest delight has been helping members break through these barriers and enjoy a relationship with God filled with peace, joy and meaning. Paul framed it as being ‘helpers of your joy,’ (2 Corinthians 1:24).” Roger continues: “Whatever gift I have for speaking to people’s hearts has grown out of wrestling with my own struggles.”
When asked about the most memorable moments as a pastor, Roger refers to times when he “preached to some 10,000 people at various feast sites, particularly about the victory we have in Christ.”
Speaking about GCI, Roger says, “Our spiritual journey has been unique and historic. It has been a remarkable experience to have participated with Christ in what he has done in bringing our denomination from the fringe of Christianity into the center of the fold.”
Roger says his passion is “reading (particularly theology and early American history), gardening, photography and sports.” He says he feels closest to God, “in the late evening on quiet walks or while singing worship songs when no one else is around—when only God could enjoy such out-of-tune and off-key singing with mangled lyrics!”
Roger & Donna
I’ve been blessed to know you over the last decade+
You have always been an encouragement to me.
We’ve shared a lot of times together in district meetings
Congrats on retirement and you both serving so faithfully all these years.
David Perry
What a fun looking couple! I miss those long football games we used to play against your team up in Ft. Wayne. Thanks Roger & Donna,for your faithfulness over so many years.
Congratulations Roger on your upcoming retirement. I really
enjoyed you while in the Chicago area many years ago. It was great to see you at the 50th Anniversary Celebration. May God continue to give you passion to preach even in “retirement”. Thanks for your faithful service to our denomination. God has done a mighty work through you and Donna.
Ivan Lane
You’ve had a great career, you have a great marriage, now may you have a great retirement!
Roger and Donna,
We enjoyed reading your story, and fondly remember your transfer to Louisville! It’s been a pleasure interacting with you over the years. Thank you for your faithful service over the years. May God bless and guide you in retirement! Ray and Carol Meyer
Hello and congratulations. Loved reading about those things we didn’t know about you. God bless you in your future endeavors but you mean Kalamazoo, Michigan didn’t even get “honorable” mention (smile) I am happy we are secure in Jesus. (smile) We wont hold that against you if you promise to have a healthy and happy life in retirement. Love and best wishes.
This was such a nice write-up–clean, clear and “breathed authenticity” as they say today. Two lives well-lived. Couldn’t help but think of the Statler Brothers–“the class of 57 (1972 here) had its dreams.”
God job–NE