We were saddened to learn of the recent death of George W. Earle, father of GCI-USA pastor and GCS instructor Neil Earle. Here are excerpts from an article that Neil wrote in his father’s honor. It appeared in “Anglican Life”—a magazine of the Anglican church in Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.

George W. Earle was my father. So this I know: He was in his glory on the open water. He began to build boats in the 1980s to the tune of one a year which led to him and his best friend, Eph Laing, plying the waters around Carbonear and Bristol’s Hope in search of the wily cod. He began his working life as a stationer on the Labrador coast with his father Thomas J. Earle who has the distinction of being buried nearest the steps on the south entrance to St. James Anglican [church]. Yes, close to the action!
George would recall many stories of small-town life and the impact of being part of that Anglican parish. At St. James Anglican he came early under the tutelage of the near-legendary cleric, Canon E. E. Rusted, who was spoken of in respectful terms when I was growing up. Once, when praying with Dad a few years ago, he confessed that, even though not a regular attendee, he recited the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed every night before he went to bed.
George came into his own as a fisherman. In 1949 he jigged the largest codfish ever caught by hook and line… it measured 5’ 11 ½” and weighed 157 pounds. He had the picture to prove it and distributed copies to most people he met in later years. No wonder. The record stood for 50 years.
George had spurts of church attendance in the 1950s but for complicated reasons began to drift away from regular meetings. Yet the St. James drama team and the Roman Catholic neighbors at St. Clare’s School had no hesitation for enlisting him in their many “Christmas Concerts” in the 1950s, a staple of the decades before “Entertainment Tonight.” One of my father’s prized possessions was a certificate from the local Catholic prelate thanking him for his artistic services in the 1940s and 1950s.
The tributes that poured in to celebrate my father’s life as mayor, honorary fireman, Lion’s Club executive secretary, hospital board member in October, 2014 rightly cited his contributions to the town—a “Carbonear legend,” he was called—but his quiet Anglicanism obviously shaped his early life and lived on till the end of his days. An Anglican in deed.
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Neil Earle 1643 Calle CoronadoDuarte, CA 91010-2575
Dear Neil,
Please, do accept our sincere condolences. Your father was obviously a true light in his community and, we are sure, he will be sorely missed by many.
Our prayers are with you and the rest of the family.
Santiago and Elke
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him”.
Psalm 62:1
I was shcoked to here the passing of your dad, I was just home in August,but only found out tha he was at the Harbour Lodge, my only regret I did not get to see him. I loved going to see your dad the minute I got home.He was always say you never change,then ak me if I would have a drink. I did call when I dad found out, and talk to Lydia on the phone. I know that my brothers were at the funeral. Neil take care and hopefuly I will see you soon again. God Bless and take care.
Carter laing
Dear Neil,
Saddened by the passing of yr dad. What a interesting chap.
By George what a British name…and attending an Anglican church…the English connections are more than obvious I grew up Anglican and our church was “All Saints” Love to u and yrs, Richard and Joyce.
Thank you both for your comments–the fact that dad was almost 93 when he died and that his passing produced such a cornucopia of condolences about his life as a true emodiement of fairness and generosity expressed within a sparkling personality–this took the edge off the grief. I thank the head office for printing this and glad they mentioned Carter Laing’s father, Eph, as well, for those two “Ancient Mariners” truly modeled Christian frienship. When Eph died I wrote an article titled “When Friends are like Family” which expressed it well–warm thanks to all–Neil Earle
Mr. Earle, May you and your family find comfort in the work and the promise of our LORD. Our family members passing, leaves a void and emptiness, but the Hope that comes from the LORD gives of strength. Love and best wishes to you. May GOD continue to bless and keep you and yours. Isa 57:1-2