Here is a follow-up to the earlier prayer request for Patty Mitchell from her husband Wayne, pastor of the GCI congregation in Seattle-Bellevue, Washington.

We just returned from our day with several doctors. Thank God, we got some good news! What the doctors thought was cancer in Patty’s lungs and lymph nodes in her chest, turned out to be inflammation brought on by an infection she has been battling for three months. What came at us like a roaring lion, the true Lion of Judah tamed into a scratching house cat. There is, after all, only one King of the Jungle. And we roll with him!
Patty’s doctors started her on a regimen of supplementation, diet and hot Epsom salts baths to treat the inflammation. She also continues to be treated for papillary carcinoma. We meet soon with surgeons to discuss the extent of needed surgery. After that, she will have 12 weeks of chemotherapy, then bi-monthly treatments for a year. She should be clear then. If not, we will continue the regimen until she is.
So it’s very good news overall! Thank you for your prayers, kind words and loving support.
Cards may be sent to:
Wayne and Patty Mitchell
14509 254 Avenue SE
Monroe, WA 98272-9333
Thanks for the positive update guys.
We will continue to pray for you both.
Curtis and Jannice
Thanks for sharing the great news! We look forward to hearing the successful conclusion of the other issues! God bless you both!
Praise GOD from whom all blessing flow. O give thanks unto the LORD, for HE is good and HIS mercy endure forever.
What wonderful news! Do hope and pray that with the arrival of each new day you will be feeling better and on your way to a complete recovery.
In Christian Love
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Wow! What an awesome God we serve! Sue and I are so thrilled to hear that Patty’s health failings were NOT as serious as we feared! However, we will continue to pray for our dear friends as they deal with current health concerns…We love you very much! Joe and Sue Elam