The Ramos family is grieving the death of Maria Rivera, mother of GCI pastor Raul Ramos. She died peacefully in her sleep after battling liver cancer. As noted by Sylvia Ramos (Raul’s wife): “No more suffering, no more pain, no more confusion. Maria is now with her beloved Lord.”
Though there is sadness in the home because of Maria’s death, there is also joy. Sylvia learned recently that she will not need radiation or chemotherapy as a follow-up to her recent surgery for endometrial cancer. The doctor determined that the cancer had not penetrated her uterine wall.
Cards may be sent to:
Raul and Sylvia Ramos
1637 Bisbee Place
Lancaster, CA 93535-4370
Our GOD is an awesome GOD. We all look forward to the time we will be with our LORD and loved one for ever. In the meantime, remember Heb. 12:2 and keep your eyes on JESUS, HE is the author and finisher of our faith.
We are sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom, and to let you know you are in thought and prayer. May God bless –
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Dear Raul and Sylvia, our prayers are with you both as you continue your walk with Jesus in love, while missing your dearest mother. Jesus be with you each day, Love David and Linda Husmann.
Our condolences for the loss of your mother, and we join you in your joy for not needed chemo or radiation. May the Lord’s comfort fill your hearts and keep you strong during this time, and may your recovery be full and speedy. Our love is with you as well. Hope to see you again soon.
Un abrazo Raúl y Silvia. Bendiciones. Los recordamos con cariño. Sigamos adelante en estas nuestras moradas temporales. Hector y Pau.