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Teaching about the Bible and science

With recent developments in biblical studies and science, pastors and others are often wanting to address the topic of integrating modern science and Scripture. Is it even possible? This is a large topic, but the video below, produced by BioLogos, provides a helpful narrative structure to guide the discussion.

On YouTube at http://youtu.be/ZqgnJ1GR8ms

The presenter on the video is Leonard J. Vander Zee a leader in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) of North America. He is editor in chief for Faith Alive Christian Resources. He previously pastored churches in Indiana, Michigan, Iowa and New York. He is the author of “In Life and In Death: A Pastoral Guide for Funerals” (CRC Publications, 1992) and “More Than Words: Prayer as a Way of Life, a Leader’s Guide” (CRC Publications, 1995). His articles have appeared in The Banner, Reformed Worship, Perspectives and Christianity Today.

There are many articles on the GCI website that address the topic of the Bible and science. See for example the article at http://www.gci.org/science/choose. The subject is also addressed on The Surprising God blog in these posts:

3 thoughts on “Teaching about the Bible and science”

  1. Edward, there are various views held by Christians as to how to harmonize the Bible’s accounts related to human origins with the evidence of modern evolutionary science. GCI summarizes its official view in the statement at http://www.gci.org/aboutus/FAQ#evolution.

    For additional, related, information, you might find helpful the Biologos articles at http://biologos.org/common-questions/human-origins/were-adam-and-eve-historical-figures and http://biologos.org/common-questions/human-origins/image-of-god.

    Note that this subject is not one of core Christian belief (i.e. it is not a core doctrine of the Christian faith), however, it is one that needs our attention for it often arises, particularly for children, teens and young adults as they encounter related issues in their academic studies. Sadly, some Christians teach that one must reject modern science in order to believe the Bible. GCI does not hold that position.

  2. Thanks for that. It appears an excellent framework for God to converse with his children as individuals and in groups in the rational cool of the day (spectacular history merging with the unimaginable glorious future).

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