Prayer is requested for David Weber, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Wheatland, Wyoming. The retinas in both of David’s eyes became detached. The one least severely detached was repaired earlier this week with a laser procedure. The more severely detached one will be repaired later this week in surgery. David will then have to lie face-down for a week as he recovers. Please pray for a successful and rapid recovery—in addition to pastoring a church, David works full-time leading his construction company, and takes care of the family farm.
Cards may be sent to:
David Weber
679 Deer Creek Rd
Wheatland, WY 82201-8817
Dear David and Rose,
We are with you in thought and prayer and will be asking our Lord to provide the healing and needed comfort.
In Him,
Santiago and Elke
We are praying here in Big Sandy for a swift and complete recovery for you, David, and for comfort for your family!
David, from the sounds of things, you tend to be very active, and we can only imagine what a week lying face down will be like for you. We pray that God inspires you with ways to keep your mind active and occupied while you are mostly immobile. We also pray that God provides quick and complete healing and that you can be back doing the things that you love.
Blessings from NH,
Thom & Marlene
Dear David and Rose, Please know we are praying for you in and through this time of need. May our God be with you through the surgery and Bless you in the special requirement after your surgery! Sincerely, David and Linda Husmann
Prayers that God will heal your eyes completely. I had one of mine start to detach, fortunately I caught in time. God is merciful and will help you at this time.
David and Rose. Praying for a complete and speedy recovery. Love you, Lois & Rick
Hi David,
Another friend by the name of David had the same surgery and the outcome is good. Lying face-down for a week sounds tedious. I join the others in praying your surgery and recovery are successful.
David, I’m sorry to hear you are going through this serious with your eyes. Thankfully, it sounds as if there are medical ways to repair. Of course, God gives the healing and we pray for a complication-free recovery for you back to good eyesight. I relate a bit in that I see only out of one eye, due to a childhood rock-throwing fight that ruined one retina. Do what the doctor advises, and take extra-good precautions and use patience as you heal.