GCI Update
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Storm reports

We have been praying for the safety of GCI members and others affected by Hurricane Florence in the Eastern United States, and by Super Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines (now affecting China). We have not received a report from the Philippines, though we know of significant damage from flooding and wind. Concerning the impact of Florence, U.S. Regional Pastor Paul David Kurts sent this report:

Many of our GCI brothers and sisters have inquired about our safety here in the Carolinas, reassuring us that they are praying and stand ready to help in our recovery. It has warmed my heart to see the genuine love and concern for all who have been impacted by this catastrophic event. The current death toll in North and South Carolina now exceeds 30 people. This number will likely grow as flood waters recede and more bodies are recovered. The biggest challenge ahead will be dealing with flood damage and loss of electrical power. Hundreds of thousands of people are still without power and have been displaced from their homes. By God’s grace, GCI members here in Hickory, North Carolina dodged a bullet and didn’t get too much wind or rain. This enabled several in our congregation to offer their homes to GCI members displaced from their homes in other areas, though none of us were actually taken up on the offer. I’ve communicated with the pastors in this part of our region and I’m thankful to be able to report that none of our members were injured. Thank you for your prayers and offers of support.

2 thoughts on “Storm reports”

  1. Thanks so much for the update. Tragically, we are once again overtaken by the dismaying news of devastating natural disasters this time striking the USA, the Philippines and China. As we struggle to make sense of the “why” we pray for the many whose lives and property have fallen victim to these horrendous catastrophes. God does not look away. His outpouring love is revealed by caring volunteers and loving communities pulling together beyond ethnical, religious and cultural differences to assist and comfort the afflicted in whatever way possible, so becoming Jesus’ “hands and feet” along with the many professional rescue forces, who at their own high risk, do their outmost best to offer relief. While we stumble for answers, we keep on praying in faith and trusting in our Lord. May He comfort the bereaved, their families and friends and provide a light of hope during this terrible darkness and pain.

    In Him,

  2. I just want to commend Santiago for his comments regarding natural catastrophes, and echo his sentiments. We hope GCI HQ in Charlotte has been spared damage and loss. god redeems all things, the good, the bad and the ugly. JR

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