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Devotional – In a Moment of Time

Do you ever get flashbacks from your past?

Recently, I’ve been thinking about the past. My wife, Averil, was on the Wawa Ontario Facebook page and someone posted a photo of the 1964 grade 1 class at Sir James Dunn elementary school.

Apparently, someone found it in a shed and posted it on Facebook to see if anyone could identify the students in the photo. I instantly recognized many in the photo as I was one of those students (third row from the bottom, third person from the left).

Talk about a flashback!

As more and more Facebook users look at that photo, more people are being identified and if the person has their own Facebook page, it is interesting to see where they ended up now that they are in their 60s.

Looking at that photo is like seeing those 6-year-olds frozen in time.

But time goes on, doesn’t it? It never stays still.

I was reminded of this fact when I read this passage from Hebrews:

“Furthermore, the former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office; but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever” (Hebrews 7:23-24).

While the high priests of Jewish fame could not continue to represent the people because they were trapped in time and own their mortality, the writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus is able to make intercession for us for all time.

As one who depends on him, I find encouragement from this truth, especially when time is such an enemy in our lives.

Prayer: Jesus, give us a glimpse of your reality and give us an ability to rejoice that you are Lord even of time.



By Bill Hall
National Director, GCI Canada

2 thoughts on “Devotional – In a Moment of Time”

  1. I know what you mean. Looking back at my old Illinois College days I am amazed how many of my old classmates ended up in significant positions. Some have become multi-millionaires, others are now notable lawyers, doctors, hotel executives, presidents of large companies, etc. . Still, the riches we have received in Jesus surpass everything the material world may have to offer.

  2. Thank you Bill for reminding us that we have a high priest that intercedes for us daily while we live our temporal daily existence and are waiting for the change to come from mortal to immortality to be with the Lord forever, that where He is we will be also, who never will leave us for in Him we live and He in us, united in this One we All exist for the purpose of being gathered together to share in His Peace and Love! Eph 1:9-10

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