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Healthy Church—Blessing of Mothers

As part of our Love Avenue rhythms at Comunion De Gracia Sun Valley, we celebrate and honor mothers in several ways. On the Saturday prior to Mother’s Day, our men’s ministry put together a gala dinner for the mothers of our congregation, along with some guest mothers. Church members were encouraged to invite their friends and family who are mothers. The only prerequisite is registering for the event. Sixty-seven mothers participated in the event including 13 first-time visitors. The men and the youth waited the tables to the delight of the participants.

In addition to the exquisite dinner provided, the mothers enjoyed fellowship, music, and multiple goodies that were raffled. Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the night was the professional photography. All the mothers were invited to partake in a free photo shoot that was donated by a church member.

The following day for our Sunday service, we prayed over and anointed all the mothers in attendance, including many first-time visitors and some of the mothers who attended the gala dinner the previous day. The whole weekend was dedicated to celebrating and blessing the mothers in our midst. Two weeks earlier we had celebrated our first of two Blessing of Children services for the year. It was so fitting that the mothers were now the ones who were being anointed, celebrated, and the recipients of much love.

These missionally minded events are a great way to express love to the mothers and create a space for the greater body to participate missionally and to join Jesus in his continued pursuit of all people.

Every Blessing,

By Heber Ticas, Pastor & Superintendent of Latin America