The Suva congregation in Fiji reached a key milestone on their ongoing vision when the three Avenue champions were commissioned last fall. Epeli Nakautoga is serving as the Hope Avenue champion, Eugene Panuve as the Love Avenue champion, and Jason Raki as the Faith Avenue champion.
Together with Pastor Frank and Emily Boyd, I have observed Eugene, Jason, and Epeli and their ongoing maturing, clear leadership abilities, and willingness to serve. We felt their unique giftings and temperaments make them well suited for these roles. Happily, they readily agreed.
We commissioned them before the congregation, and I explained that they were selected because they had shown themselves faithful over time. Each had stepped up to serve whenever asked and had shown himself teachable and consistently enthusiastic about the congregation’s vision and plans. They have demonstrated both their leadership capacities and suitability for these new responsibilities. What a pleasure it was to commission them as Avenue champions, and what an encouragement to the church in this region.
Youth leader is another important role in the life and health of the Suva church. Tongli Panuve and Joana Wainibuli are youth leaders providing regular weekly studies for the youth. I am encouraged that the relationships amongst the group are strong, and I see their potential for greatly assisting our vision of Healthy Church in Suva.
I ask that you pray for all three Avenue champions. Pray for Frank and Emily Boyd, who will guide and encourage them. And please pray for me also that I provide appropriate training and resourcing in a timely fashion.

By Dennis Richards, Pastor and Regional Director, New Zealand
Palmerston North, New Zealand