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Community Meals

On May 30, the Grace Communion Pikeville congregation celebrated its ninth anniversary of serving free meals to our neighbors. For several years, we offered Easter and Christmas meals to our community. But nine years ago, we sensed God was telling us to do more. We sought to understand what the “more” was, and we felt God telling us to feed people meals on a regular basis, more than twice a year. And the community kitchen was born.

We started by serving a meal at the end of each month. Over time, we adapted as we discerned the needs in our community and felt an urging by God to do more. We went from serving a meal a month to a meal a week. Then in 2020 during Covid, we began serving meals two days a week and have continued to do so.

God has made the way for us to be able to serve and provides the means to do so, often in very unexpected ways. Through the hard work of our volunteers and community partners, we serve an average of 800 meals a week.

We are truly privileged to be able to share the love of Jesus to our community through our meals. Our motto is found in Matt. 25:35 “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat …”

Debby Bailey, Pastor
Pikeville, KY, US

5 thoughts on “Community Meals”

  1. What a great blessing your congregation is to your neighbors. God always finds away
    as we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit Thanks for the update

  2. Thank you, Debbie for your church’s example of loving Jesus’ gospel and the neighbors in yor community. This is encouraging.

  3. Wow! I pray that Jesus will bless your congregation with many moments of „spiritual feeding“ while enjoying the „physical food“. That would certainly be a „Jesus thing“ (as a reading of the gospels show).

  4. What a wonderful way to share God’s love and to advance the fulfillment of the mission that He has given His Church. May He continue to stir your hearts and supply the provisions for further kingdom building through service to those in need.

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