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Celebrating 50 Years

L to R: Daphne Sidney, Bob and Kathy Regazzoli, Greg Williams

Congratulations on 50 years of service and participation!

Pastor Bob and Kathy Regazzoli, of Carina, Queensland, Australia, were honoured last month for their 50 years of devoted service to Jesus and his church. They were celebrated and acknowledged before the congregation for their many years of dedication to ministry in GCI. True partners in ministry, Kathy and Bob were also celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Bob and Kathy, thank you for your faithfulness, and may God continue to bless your participation.

5 thoughts on “Celebrating 50 Years”

  1. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary events. From a friend 54 years ago, same year high school graduate as Kathy, different KCMO school districts.

  2. Congrats to both of you. Brought back so many memories, including in the pool at New Farm so many years ago!

  3. What wonderful accomplishments! 50 years serving Christ in your ministerial calling, and 50 years serving one another as husband and wife. You are an example to all of us as we strive “to finish well”.

  4. Fifty years of marriage and fifty years in the ministry – well done, Bob and Kathy! You have been wonderful “examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:3) and pleasing to the Chief Shepherd.

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