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Death of Sudhir Singh

Dr. Sudhir C. Singh, one of the founding members of GCI India, died on April 30, 2024. He was 82 years old. He retired as Medical Officer from Saurashtra Chemicals, Gujarat. He was a prolific writer and had a witty sense of humor. He was part of the GCI India editorial team, and he contributed many spiritually enriching articles. GCI India cherishes the beautiful memories of Dr. Sudhir Singh and celebrates his life. He is survived by his wife, Sheeba Singh, a son, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson.

One thought on “Death of Sudhir Singh”

  1. Our hearts and thoughts reach out to Sheeba and the entire Singh family. Please accept our condolences. We pray that Dr. Singh’s service in the church will continue to be an inspiration to many.

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