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Meet Linda Sitterley

“I enjoy seeing the transformation in people’s lives as they gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a child of God.”
Get to know Linda Sitterley, pastor of GC River Road in Oregon, U.S.
To read her full profile, click the image below or here.

2 thoughts on “Meet Linda Sitterley”

  1. Jackie and I have been honored to know you and Tim for many years. I still watch and listen to your sermons both past and present on YouTube. They are always inspiring and encouraging. I have listened many times to your first sermon in our Salem congregation, A Tale of Two Widows, and will again. As the late, great radio commentator, Paul Harvey was fond of saying, Lead on, Linda. We miss all of you so much.

  2. Thank you, Linda. I love how you and the members of your church give to each other and receive from each other, as you all, motivated by the Holy Spirit, make friends with your neighbors. It’s evident you all love people and seek to take actions of love in serving our fellow human beings. This is living and sharing Jesus’ gospel.

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