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Ordination of Zambian Elders

With joy and thanksgiving, we share the good news that four individuals were ordained to serve in congregations in Zambia.

    • Associate Pastor Mary Bwale – Kitwe congregation
    • Associate Pastor Vernon Zuze – Kabompo congregation
    • Assistant Pastor Alex Kachimwa – Chongwe Lusaka congregation
    • Associate Pastor Alex Musonda – Lusaka Central congregation

[Pictured above, left to right: Pastor Muphana Ngula (Chawama, Lusaka), Pastor Aaron Ng’ambi (Kitwe), National Director Inyambo Nyumbu (Lilanda, Lusaka), Pastor Alex Musonda and his wife (Lusaka Central), Miriam, Pastor Kennedy Musopelo (Chongwe), Pastor Phillip Bowa (Lusaka Central), and Superintendent Kalengule Koama (Lusaka)]

Pastor Alex Musonda (above fourth from the left) told us he loves how the body of Christ shares tasks according to the spiritual gifting, and he enjoys administration and teaching. He feels quite humbled and excited about his calling.

[Pictured above, left to right: Pastor Aaron Ng’ambi (Kitwe), National Director Inyambo Nyumbu (Lilanda, Lusaka), Pastor Alex Kachimwa (Chongwe, Lusaka), Pastor Phillip Bowa (Lusaka Central)]

When asked how he felt about his calling, Pastor Alex Kachimwa (above second from the right) quoted Psalm 138:8, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me, his love endures forever.”

Please join us in praying for them and their ministry in Jesus’ church.

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