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US Church Restructuring

Dear Church,

In Church Administration and Development (CAD) for the U.S., we have been working for more than a year to move from a regional structure of support and supervision to a national structure.

During our summer gatherings, I shared the “5D cycle” of transformational change process: disruption, discovery, death, design, and deploy. It’s an appreciative inquiry tool, adapted from the 5D Method of Change. The newly formed U.S. CAD team has journeyed around this circle and have learned many valuable lessons. One of the most important lessons is to get each team member in his or her best fit. I think they have accomplished this.

I am proud of their hard work; they have demonstrated a yielding to the Spirit in each stage. In January 2025, the new structure will be fully implemented. Mike will give us more background, so please keep reading.

Greg Williams

GCI in the United States has been undergoing major restructuring throughout 2023 and 2024. These changes have occurred for several reasons. The main reason is a shortage of pastors and key leaders to replace our ranks. For the past 12 years, our regional system has served us well. We started with six regions. With the retirement of Ted Johnston, it went to five regions. In January 2024, Anthony Mullins left the role of Southeast regional director (RD) to plant a GCI congregation in Durham, North Carolina. Then in January 2025, Rick Shallenberger, North Central RD, and Tim Sitterley, Western RD, will both be retiring. This means Dr. Jeff Broadnax, Pam Morgan, and I will be sharing the responsibilities of overseeing the United States. I also have the responsibility of overseeing the Canadian and the Caribbean regions. We hope you can understand that we clearly needed to make some changes to manage this vast area with fewer people.

One option was to move our more experienced pastors from their current congregations to the role of RD, but this would put these large, healthy congregations at risk. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is never a good strategy for growth nor sustainable health. So, the Holy Spirit has been leading us to think differently and guiding us to implement a new strategy. However, this new strategy has required incredibly challenging and painful decisions and even more difficult conversations with our pastors and facilitators.

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2 thoughts on “US Church Restructuring”

  1. My late wife and I became part of this congregation in the spring of 1967 and saw many changes over the years, all led by God. Changes will never stop. and must be made from time to time, and this is one of them.

  2. “The church must be forever building, and always decaying, and always being restored”.
    Citation: T. S. Eliot, “Choruses from The Rock”
    I have also been affected by the restructuring. While I understand the need for taking the steps that the Holy Spirit has guided us to make, I would be dishonest in denying that I have struggled with a number of administrative decisions. My loyalty to Jesus remains, and so does my prayerful support for GCI and our President Greg Williams.

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