I recently shared that our GCI theme for 2025 is Kingdom Culture. I hope this captures your imagination and stirs your spirit.
Growing into a Kingdom Culture begins with Kingdom Living. Kingdom Living originates in the King himself, King Jesus. We are familiar with the slogan “Jesus is the center of the center.” Our annual worship calendar supports this with celebrations anchored in the Person and works of Jesus (vicarious works on behalf of all humanity). But who is this King and what do we know about Him?
In the letter to the Christ-followers in Colossae, Paul writes some of the most magnificent truths about the King.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:15-20 NRSVA
The glory of the triune God is perfectly on display in the Person of Jesus. In Him, all things are held together. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being.
Jesus is Lord of creation and Lord of His church. As head of the Church, He is the source and nerve center — guiding and directing us “body members” as His hands and feet. There is no church without Jesus and no Kingdom Living without the presence of the King.
He is pre-eminent in the widest scope possible, supreme in all aspects and at every point. It reminds me of the great hymn, “Be Thou My Vision,” and the line, “be thou my best thought in the day and in the night.”
When our identities, our thoughts, our purposes are fully wrapped in Jesus, we then are active citizens of His Kingdom. We have a mindset focused on Jesus above anything or anyone else.
A small Kingdom story that was significant to me involves a young man named Will Chitwood. Will is Vice President of CapTrust, a financial management company that manages our corporate capital account. We recently went through a trial that threatened to carry a potentially large expense to the church. Will was on standby to negotiate the anticipated rough waters, and the good news is that the threat was negated. I sent Will an email message to share the outcome. Instead of simply replying electronically, Will gave me a phone call. He shared how he had been regularly praying for us, and he recounted a sermon he had recently heard about God’s deliverance for Joshua and Israel as they populated the Promised Land. Will said that he rejoiced with us over God’s deliverance, and we mutually shared that the nature of our relationship was more than business, rather we are joined together as Kingdom partners.
Our purpose is to make the King known and to help believers grow up in Jesus. How encouraging is it to have a financial manager who embraces this and comes alongside GCI in the shared journey? And even more exciting is to realize that King Jesus is present and guiding at all points, even the next breath you and I draw.
Honoring and obeying King Jesus, Greg
8 thoughts on “The King”
A simple yet very powerful and helpful message. Thanks very much!
Amen! Thank you Greg!
Thank you, Greg! Considering there are over 8 billion people on earth and increasing, it’s evident we are obeying our Creator by multiplying and filling the earth. Today, Jesus’ Kingdom may include nearly 200 nations and thousands of cultures. We came into being through him and for him. Jesus’ Kingdom culture is advancing as it has for nearly 2,000 years. His Kingdom/Body is beautifully variegated. What a King and what a Kingdom!
Wow, Amen Thank you Mr Williams Praise Jesus the King!
Amen Greg!
Thank you very much Our GCI president for Sharing with us Our theme of 2025. I am Constant Mtemi from GCI Dzaleka refugee Camp (Malawi).
A simple yet very powerful and helpful message. Thanks very much!
Amen! Thank you Greg!
Thank you, Greg! Considering there are over 8 billion people on earth and increasing, it’s evident we are obeying our Creator by multiplying and filling the earth. Today, Jesus’ Kingdom may include nearly 200 nations and thousands of cultures. We came into being through him and for him. Jesus’ Kingdom culture is advancing as it has for nearly 2,000 years. His Kingdom/Body is beautifully variegated. What a King and what a Kingdom!
Wow, Amen
Thank you Mr Williams
Praise Jesus the King!
Amen Greg!
Thank you very much Our GCI president for Sharing with us Our theme of 2025.
I am Constant Mtemi from GCI Dzaleka refugee Camp (Malawi).