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Celebrating a GCI Centenarian

Join us in wishing a very Happy 100th Birthday to Burniece Chambers!

Mrs. Chambers birthday was Sunday, January 12, and she celebrated with her church family, GC Maumee, in Ohio, U.S. Everyone enjoyed cake while she shared her well-earned wisdom.

Mrs. Chambers began attending GCI in 1964 and was baptized five years later. She says she is very pleased to have stayed with one congregation for her lifetime. (GC Maumee was formerly known as the Toledo congregation.)

Burniece Chambers, “100 & Fabulous,” is pictured below with her pastor, Stuart Mahan.

2 thoughts on “Celebrating a GCI Centenarian”

  1. Wow! What a wonderful blessing. Burniece, congatulations on your 100th birthday! Would love to talk to you and listen to the wealth of wisdom you have collected through a multitude of life experiences.

    In Jesus,
    GCI Germany

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