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Ghana’s 50th Anniversary Jubilee

GCI Ghana commemorated its 50th anniversary with a week-long celebration in August. During the week, Ghana hosted the West Africa Leadership Conference. We joined together to celebrate fifty years of God’s grace, with the theme, “Thus far by grace” taken from 1 Samuel 7:12.

On Sunday August 18, the Accra area congregations gathered at the GCI Ghana Retreat Site at Kutunse to begin the celebration with a church service inspired by praise and thankful music led by the National Director, Pastor Ing. Theo Nii Okai.

After the arrival of our guests, President Dr. Greg Williams and Pastor Gabriel Ojih, a one-day gathering for Board Members, Regional Directors, and National Ministry Leaders was held on Wednesday at the newly refurbished National Office Conference Room at New Ashongman, Accra.

The day began with praise and worship and the session was led by Deaconess Mrs. Sarah Abban who is the Ghana’s Board Secretary. After initial welcome remarks by the Superintendent of Africa, Pastor Kalengule Kaoma, Dr. Williams provided a brief report on his travels to the various congregations around the world and followed by a devotion and sharing the elements of the Lord’s Supper.

Various presentations were given by leaders on topics such as ministry teams, ACCM, GCS, and MTCs. All the discussions included a healthy dose of questions, contributions and interactions.

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