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Family Day Carnival

In British Columbia, February 19 is a holiday called “Family Day.” It is a day that gives families the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. GC Surrey decided to host a free “Family Day Carnival” for our community. Our volunteers spent many hours preparing games, distributing over 500 flyers in the neighborhood, and praying for success.

On carnival day, 22 volunteers dressed in bright yellow t-shirts welcomed over 100 guests to join the fun. We offered nine games, face painting, a colouring table, candy jar guessing, popcorn, drinks, and prizes for all the kids. Parents, kids, grandparents, and friends enjoyed the games and hung around to visit afterwards. It was an awesome experience for everyone involved—not only the participants but also for the volunteers who served and loved wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus!

By Job Ayuba, Love Avenue Champion & Associate Pastor
Surrey, B.C., Canada


Devotional—Our Advocate

As mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and human beings, we can have the role of mediator, helper, and advocate. When someone comes to us with a concern, a difficult situation, a grief or hope, what is our go-to response? So often, my immediate response is to seek to find a solution, to help this person with their problem.

When I take on the role of advocate, mediator, and helper, I may be doing what God has gifted me for and bearing the image of the Spirit within me. But I may also be stepping into the role that the Holy Spirit is meant to play in that person’s life. In doing so, what if I short-circuit the opportunity for this person to have an encounter with our triune God?

It is significant that the Spirit quietly works in every moment, giving us life and breath and holding all things together so that we can live and move and have our being. But the Spirit inevitably points away from self to our Father and his Son Jesus Christ. The Spirit mediates, advocates, and helps constantly, being present to each of us and drawing us into union and communion with the Father and the Son.

What we can learn from the Spirit’s self-effacing way of being is true humility, service, and self-giving love. The next time someone comes to us with a concern, how can we set aside ourselves and our solutions, and point them to our Father and his Son in the Spirit? How might we let God be the one who provides a solution?

When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me, and you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning. John 15:26-27 NET

Father, Son, Spirit, so often we seek to be the solution to every problem when that is the role you were meant to play in our lives. Grant us the grace to point away from ourselves and towards you instead, for you are our mediator, helper, and Advocate, through Jesus our Lord. Amen.

By Linda Rex, GCI Elder
Nashville, TN, US


US Pastors Commissioned

On December 10, Dishon Mills was installed as the pastor of the merged church in Charlotte, NC. The Charlotte congregation and the Steele Creek church plant have now merged and are called Grace Communion Steele Creek.

“I can think of no one better suited and equipped by the Holy Spirit, at this moment in Grace Communion Steele Creek’s journey, to be the pastor and keep the faith community’s eyes on Jesus than Dishon Mills.” —Anthony Mullins

On Sunday, December 31, Ceeja Malmkar was commissioned as the assistant pastor of Grace Communion Surrey Hills in Oklahoma.


“Ceeja is an incredibly gifted woman who loves the Lord and his children. She has a special love for the neighborhood of Surrey Hills and for her and Lucas’ two sons Kacen and Ryker. She is a blessing to the team. I look forward to seeing how God uses her for his glory.” —Michael Rasmussen

On January 21, Jillian Morrison was commissioned as the pastor of the Glendora, CA congregation. Bermie Dizon retired and passed the baton to Jillian. The Monrovia and the Glendora congregations have combined as the Glendora church.

“I commission her into the position of pastor of Grace Communion Glendora and all the responsibilities, the roles, and the authority that go with that position. And I do not do so lightly, but I do so joyfully, knowing full well her resolution, her abilities, and the incredible gifts that God has given her.” —Tim Sitterley


Devotional—Sacred Dependence

One night in January, my pregnant sister was rushed to the hospital when her water broke. After hours of labor, she was eventually given a Caesarian section, for it was taking too long to deliver the baby. Finally, we were invited to view the baby for the first time. He had pinkish skin and weighed 7.5 pounds.

Watching him, I had an epiphany. Every person on earth was once like this tiny, helpless baby—the strongest boxers, fastest athletes, and smartest scientists! We were all small, vulnerable, and dependent on the caress of our caregiver. Even Jesus—who sacrificed his life to save humanity—was once a baby.

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. Luke 2:40

No matter who we grow up to be, we do so with the guidance of the people who raised us. These people are living examples of God’s love and grace. We were created to live in interdependence with others. No matter how small we were as babies, we grow stronger with the strength and wisdom the Lord blesses us with each day.

Our creator and heavenly Father, we humble ourselves before you as we remember that we came into this world as vulnerable babies who couldn’t have grown strong without your loving presence. We acknowledge the path you set for us, and we continue to seek your guidance as we desire to follow your will. This we pray in the mighty name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

By Jessica Joy Pamor, GC Pili Youth Leader
Bicol, Philippines

Leaders Commissioned in the Philippines

On January 14, a special combined service was held in Pasay City, Philippines in honor of the commissioning and turnover ceremonies for Grace Communion International – Philippines. A total of 754 attendees were able to witness this significant event.

International leaders also came to visit, including GCI President Dr. Greg and his wife, Susan Williams, GCI Superintendent of Asia Pastor Danny and his wife, Mary Zachariah, and GCI Superintendent of Latin America Pastor Heber Ticas.

Eugene & Lulu Guzon

Dr. Eugene Guzon was shown love and support by the church members with a farewell video greeting to celebrate his 34 years of fulltime service to GCI and 21 years as the National Director for GCI Philippines. “Eugene has served the ministry since 1990 in various capacities, beginning as assistant pastor for Quezon City under Jose Raduban. His work in the national office started when he was assigned as business manager in 1993, and he became National Director in 2002. In 2007, he was also given added responsibilities as Missions Developer for China, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates. He was also appointed as Superintendent for Asia in 2018 until 2023,” explained Percival Gabriel of Quezon City.

Audie & Rachel Santibanez

Pastor Audie Santibañez was then commissioned as the next National Director, and was passed the baton, or in this case, the balangay. Balangays are plank boats that were used for maritime trade and migration by ancient Filipinos. “Just as the balangay was meticulously constructed by skilled hands, without the use of nails, the church’s fresh direction is shaped by leaders firmly rooted in faith, hope, and love. Guided by the winds of the Holy Spirit, the church sails forth just as the balangay rode currents and winds across open seas,” explained Pastor Rex.

Fe & Romeo Pusta

We celebrated two other turnover ceremonies. Pastor Romeo Pusta was installed as the next chair of the Philippine Board of Directors. Pastor Aron Tolentino was commissioned as the next District Director for Metro Manila and nearby provinces.

Aron & Joyce Tolentino with daughter, Lizzie

Greg Williams said, “Susan and I enjoyed a wonderful trip to the Philippines. Eugene and Lulu Guzon have served very well, and even though they are stepping down, they are not stepping away. I am confident in Audie Santibanez as the new National Director and his National Ministry Team of Rex Dela Pena and Aron Tolentino. I am also confident in the leadership of Dan and Mary Zachariah as they oversee the churches and leaders across the Asian region. May the gospel have a tremendous impact and we see many come to Jesus.”

Let us include our leaders in our prayers for God’s continuous guidance in their service and ministry for our triune God.

Jessica with Susan & Greg Williams

By Jessica Joy Pamor, GC Pili Youth Leader
Bicol, Philippines

Rest and Resilience in Christ

In the U.S., Black History Month is celebrated in February. It is fitting to recognize this by highlighting the ongoing work of our National Advisory Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and its leaders.

My experience of the NAE Spiritual Retreat with BIPOC Leaders

GCI’s membership in the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) gave me a wonderful opportunity to engage with and grow in the ministry and message of reconciliation. In November, Toni Kim (Director of Spiritual Care) and Mekdes Haddis (Project Director for Racial Justice & Reconciliation Collaborative) hosted a spiritual retreat for the NAE at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove in Asheville, N.C. (see full article, Living United: How the NAE is Working to Build Bridges of Reconciliation).

Mekdes Haddis, Jeff Broadnax, Toni & Walter Kim

I joined three dozen Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) ministry leaders from around the country to seek Jesus’ face and discern the Spirit’s wisdom in area of racial healing, reconciliation, and resilience within the body of Christ. Large group sessions were facilitated by author and counselor, Sheila Wise Rowe. She offered a Christ-centered approach to the following topics:

    • Racial Trauma within the Body of Christ
    • Trauma Informed Ministry
    • Compassionate Soul Care and Healing
    • The Art of Peace, Joy, Rest, and Resilience

Small group breakout sessions beautifully created an environment for this diverse group to experience trust, vulnerability, and bonding in Christ. Included was time for personal and interactive reflection, prayer, biblical discussion, and chances for networking and building relationships.

I shared God’s move within GCI to develop a National Advisory Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.) for the U.S. Superintendent. I described the work we have done as a denomination to intentionally invite men and women from a diversity of generations, ethnicities, cultures, and perspectives to bring their journey with Jesus to the table and help us become fitly framed together for 21st century ministry in a diverse world.

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Devotional—A Lament

Micah 6:8 says, “[God] has shown you . . . what is good. [W]hat does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

When we look at our societal fractures, however, those of us who identify as followers of the way of Jesus often fail to reflect the justice, mercy, and humility of our Savior. May this prayer be the cry of our hearts.

A Lament for Hiding Our Eyes from the Imago Dei

Holy Sacred God
You have asked us to be
Repairers of the breach
To mirror You as You
Proclaim good news and liberty
to those who are oppressed

Forgive us for
Seeking to make people
In our own image
Instead of seeking
To be conformed to Yours

We repent for
Our willful ignorance and arrogance
Our apathy and indifference
Our selfishness and inaction
Our defensiveness and pride

Forgive us for
Our lack of vulnerability and understanding
Our lack of curiosity and compassion
Our tendency to make statements
Instead of asking questions
Thinking we already know
Seeking our own comfort instead of
Listening, bearing witness
And rejoicing in the truth

We have marred
The image of Your image bearers
We have been silent
And covered our eyes and ears
We have refused to offer hope,
To restore, repair and protect
Instead of inviting those who suffer into Your Jubilee
We have removed seats from the table
And erected walls where there should be open doors

Please forgive us, Lord
Put salve on our eyes so we can see
Help us to be loving, joyful, peaceful,
Good, kind, patient,
Faithful, gentle, and self-controlled
We are your Beloved Community
And we belong to one another

You have said that the world would know
That we are your disciples
If we love one another.
May it be so with us.

By Afrika Afeni Mills, Faith Avenue Champion
Steele Creek, NC, US

For more information about Afrika’s antiracist work, check out her website.

Kenyan Youth Camp

Campers worshipping with Naivasha congregation

Our annual youth camp, held near Nairobi, Kenya, concluded on December 10. The campers enjoyed life skills training, team building activities, worship sessions, and supervised free time to allow for creating friendships. We closed the camp by attending a worship service at the GCI congregation in Naivasha.

Valerie had this to say, “To be honest, I did not know what to expect. The day started with travel in a common bus to the camp site, and I thought, we are doomed. But by the end of the second day, I was warm and into the camp proper. There was a good choice of topics which were relevant to us, and we were given time to socialize with our friends. Indeed, we experienced the love of Christ from our trainers.”

Wangari had this to say, “The theme was wonderful. I have experienced our trainers as pastors before, but I saw another side of them that I did not know; indeed, they are all-round people. They taught us the importance of understanding that choices have consequences.”

Beth had this to say, “Camp was the best part of my holiday. I made new friends. I learnt about a lot of things, for example, self-awareness, self-esteem, phone addiction, and that choices have consequences. Everyone in the camp was on their best behavior and friendly. Our teachers were wonderful.”

At the end of camp, many campers were biding others good-bye saying, “See you next year at camp.” It is our hope and great prayer that we will indeed be able to hold the camp again in December 2024. Please join us in this prayer.

Antony Gachanja, Regional Director East Africa