Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It was an encouraging and enriching experience this past weekend to visit our Washington, D.C., congregation, which is pastored by Brian Carlisle.
Nashville, Tennessee, Pastor Jonathan Stepp reports that the congregation is cleaning the church building damaged by the recent flooding. The backup from overloaded storm drains flowed down various streets to their church parking lot creating a lake. The church cellar was flooded. He has talked to many of the members and all are fine as far as he knows. One member who has lived in Nashville for 55 years told Jonathan he has never seen a storm like this one. The congregation appreciates the concern being expressed and is grateful for everyone’s prayers.
Gary Moore writes:
The law firm that has been doing the necessary paperwork for our name change has informed us that our Canadian church should now start using its new name, Grace Communion International Canada (English) and Communion Internationale dans la Grȃce, Canada (French).
Wendy, Kylie and I had the pleasure of visiting Colin and Sue Lauchlan and the London, Ontario, congregation last weekend. On Saturday Colin had planned an all-day seminar focused on Trinitarian Theology and its implications, with one session devoted to our role in various denominational mission projects around the world. Leo and Jane Van Pelt came from Kitchener, accompanied by about 20 members representing the Kitchener, Hamilton and St. Catherine’s congregations. A number also attended from the Windsor, Sarnia, and London congregations. There were about 47 people all told, who much enjoyed reconnecting with one another amid the warm hospitality extended by the London church. On Sunday we were able to conduct services with the London group on its own. Staying with the Lauchlans was most pleasant, and the fellowship stimulating as always.
Photos: Colin and Sue Lauchlan (left), a number of the attendees (center), and Leo and Jane Van Pelt (right).
We flew into Toronto a day early, and spent some time with my mother, who is still in the Scarborough General Hospital. Unfortunately, it appears that she is no longer improving. The implications are that she will need to go to a 24-hour nursing care facility. She can get around in a wheelchair now, and we were able to take her outside briefly to enjoy some fresh air. While Wendy and Kylie spent time visiting her, I got her papers together, and was able to file her taxes. My brother Karl is planning to visit her this week, and has arranged for her to get new hearing aids. This will allow us to more easily chat with her over the phone, and stay in regular contact that way.

Toronto East
Eric Wilding, an elder in the Toronto East GCI congregation, is working on his Doctor of Ministry degree at the Toronto School of Theology. His dissertation research is on our denomination, regarding our change in a particular doctrine. This is his research question: “What effects has the 1993 shift in the Worldwide Church of God’s doctrine about the Triune God had on its ministers’ understanding of and relationships with God, self and congregation?”
Eric is looking for ministers to write stories regarding their experiences of the change in this doctrine. If you would be interested in helping him with his research, you may email him for further details at
South Africa
South African National Leader Tim Maguire reported that the congregational leaders for our “tent church” in Morelung have been given a plot of land by the local tribal chief, which means they can now begin the process of building a simple church building. Once this is done, the tent (which was purchased by the Okanagan congregations) can be moved to a nearby village, where about 30 people are ready to start another new GCI congregation. So the tent will soon have helped facilitate the start of two new congregations!
Gary Moore, Southern African Missions Director and Canadian National Director, added that GCI Canada arranged for the purchase of approximately 400 Bibles for the 45 congregations in Mozambique that are seeking affiliation with Grace Communion International. The Abbotsford, London and Windsor congregations provided the bulk of the funding.
Kalengule Kaoma sent these photos taken by Emmanuel Okai, National Ministry Leader in Ghana, of last month’s baptisms in Buduburam. Buduburam is a church that was planted in 2009. Emmanuel reported that 23 people were baptized at the event on March 21. Emmanuel also baptized five people in March in our Akim Oda congregation
Prayer requests and updates
Dennis Lawrence
Montreal, Quebec (English) Pastor Dennis Lawrence has been diagnosed with Diffuse large B Cell lymphoma. He will begin chemotherapy on May 26. He wrote: “I will see [the doctor] next week for some final test results but he has authorized me to go to be part of an Egbert family reunion in Nag’s Head, NC from May 15-22. I think being by the ocean and being with extended family for those days will be a real morale booster and some fun. At any rate, we now know what we’re dealing with and all signs are very hopeful and positive. The doctor speaks only in terms of curing this thing. I want to thank everyone for the prayer support, email support, cards, and phone calls that have come to Lynn and myself, as well as our family. Thank you everyone, literally, around the world. Thank you for making sure I know I’m not alone in this.”
Peter Whitting
It is with sadness that we announce the death of Pastor Peter Whitting of our Baltimore, Maryland, congregation. After being in the hospital with a prolonged illness, Peter seemed to be making a recovery over the last two months. However, he died unexpectedly at home on Saturday. Peter faithfully served a number of congregations over the years, both in Australia and in the United States, and we are grateful for his outstanding example of pastoral care. Peter is survived by his wife, Charlotte, and his four sons, Tom, Marc, Jonathan, and Ben. We ask your prayers for them during this difficult and painful time for the family. The funeral service is scheduled for Wednesday, May 5.
The family asked that instead of flowers, donations be made in Peter’s memory to the Peter Whitting Scholarship Fund at the Frederick Community College Art Department. Checks should be made payable to Charlotte Whitting, and designated as for the “Peter Whitting Scholarship Fund”
Cards may be sent to:
Charlotte Whitting and Family
7413 Ricksway Road
Pikesville, MD 21208-5720
Remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith. Let’s encourage everyone to join together in prayer, for we belong to Christ, and by the Spirit it is in Christ that we pray. Prayer and other spiritual activities help keep our hearts in tune with God and remind us of who we are in Christ. He is our all in all, and in him we are eternally beloved of the Father and blessed to share his good news with others.
Love from my family to yours,
Joseph Tkach