What is it that makes the Christmas season a time of such joy? I think the joy of Christmas comes from knowing that God loves us so much that he made us one with Jesus. In Jesus, God opened up the life of the Trinity to humanity and drew us into that life through the Holy Spirit. Jesus stood in for us and did for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. He reconciled us and he secured our adoption as beloved children of the Father. We didn’t decide any of this. We didn’t earn any of it. We didn’t qualify for any of it. It was a God’s gift, given to us solely out of his great kindness and mercy and love, because he is love. That’s what Christmas is all about, and what could be more joyful than that?
Resource idea
The “Narnia Faith” group offers some resources for teaching from the new Narnia film. Here is their announcement:
C.S. Lewis’ timeless story, The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, released in theaters December 10, offers many themes for spiritual discussion and evangelism. The Teach Section of the Narnia Faith website offers a collection of sermon outlines, study guides, and youth materials created by respected and influential pastors and Christian organizations. From a study guide on the life and works of C.S. Lewis, to how to talk to your children about Narnia, to sermons addressing temptation, courage, and redemption, these free resources are available to help ministry professionals connect to the lessons and themes of the movie. http://www.narniafaith.com/teach/study-guides-and-youth-resources/
According to Howe & Strauss (Engage Gen-Y 11/12/10), the six current generations in the U.S. and their birth years are:
• The GI Generation: 1901-1924 • The Silent Generation: 1925-1942 • The Boomer Generation (Boomers): 1943-1960 • The Generation X: 1961-1981 • The Millennials (Gen-Y): 1982-2004 • The Homeland Generation: 2005-20xx
GenMin Update
From Ted Johnston:
Generations Ministries is now producing GenMin Life, a video discussion resource for small groups with teens and/or young adults. This resource is cataloged on the new GenMin Life webpage at http://genmin.gci.org/GenMinLife.htm. This resource may also be useful for other small groups and Bible studies.
Please remember our brothers and sisters in the devastated nation of Haiti. Pastor Joseph Franklin sent this update to Caribbean Missions Director Charles Fleming:
Andre Naval & Joseph Franklin
The general condition of Haiti has worsened since the past three weeks. The population is imprisoned at home (under the tents). The first week after the preliminary result of the elections was terrible, particularly in Petionville and Les Cayes. In Petionville, stores were looted and burned. In Les Cayes, the demonstrators occupied the streets and demanded the resignation of President Preval. Radio stations, schools and stores have been burned down. The whole education system is paralyzed. The national roads are barricaded. There is no traffic, no way to travel from one town to another. Kidnapping has restarted, and shooting is heard all over the capital in the night.
This morning, Sunday, we met for worship; we were six. We took a moment to discuss the Saint Marc region, where we have been negotiating with two churches that have written to GCI-CAD asking for affiliation. Because of the fact that the cholera epidemic was more severe in the area, Serges Jacques has only been able to make one visit there. It has also become difficult for their leaders to come to Port-au-Prince as we had scheduled. However, in the midst of all this tragedy, we, the families in the church at Port-au-Prince and the provinces are safe. We thank you all for your prayers.
Remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith. Let’s encourage everyone to join together in prayer, for we belong to Christ, and by the Spirit it is in Christ that we pray. Prayer and other spiritual activities help keep our hearts in tune with God and remind us of who we are in Christ. He is our all in all, and in him we are eternally beloved of the Father and blessed to share his good news with others.