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Marj Friddle

The following praise report is from Marj Friddle.

Dear family and friends,

I have very good news. The wound (staph infected area) is now totally healed much to the surprise of the nurse who came today. It healed in three weeks, though I was told it usually takes at least four to six weeks. We know this is an answer to prayer. The liquid antibiotics were completed last Wednesday and the line removed from my arm. I have been on oral antibiotics for six days and have four more days to go and then I will be finished. I will be really happy to get off of the strong antibiotics that have been required. My lab tests came back good yesterday – no elevation in white cell count – no indication of infection.

We are SO THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL for the MANY cards (68 at last count), numerous e-mails and phone calls that we have received. Our friends and family have been wonderful with their prayers and love for us. We DEEPLY APPRECIATE all the prayers, not only for me, but also for Jim. Our son, Nathan, was here for two weeks and that was a huge help. I still have to take it easy – there is lots of soreness in my abdomen, which will take time to go away. I feel so amazingly blessed that the cancer had not spread and that it was on the right side of my colon so I didn’t have to have a colostomy.

We send our deepest thanks to all of you and are VERY THANKFUL to have you in our lives.

-Marj Friddle

4 thoughts on “Marj Friddle”

  1. Hi Marj,

    What great news!! I’m so happy that the cancer is gone and so is the infection…..tough to keep a great gal down! Still have fond memorieds of you at the Ladies Retreat in LA many years ago. Greetings to Jim and family.

    Blessings and love,

  2. We are so thankful for the wonderful touch of God in your life and blessed to know we have had a small part in your recovery. Well, maybe not that small.:) I am thankful that we are able to join in what God is doing in all the lives of those who send in requests. What a blessing!

  3. Dear Maj,
    We are so grateful that your health is improving. You have always amazed me, continuing to serve through health problems, especially migraines. I am wondering if you are still having those?
    You and your husband were a blessing to us in Salt Lake when you came to help us through the first stages of changes in our church. Thank you. We have talked often of getting to have dinner with you and pick your brains on the subject.
    Norm and Sue Foster

  4. We are very pleased to hear your good news. Do hope you are improving with the arrival of each fresh day, and that you will soon be completely healed.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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